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Beiträge, die mit NoviSad getaggt sind

Last year, we took a week to drive slowly from Berlin along the "Balkan route" via the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Serbia and North Macedonia to my husband's Greek family's house on the Ionian Sea. This picture is from #NoviSad in #Serbia, where, like everywhere else, we met the nicest people and spent a lovely evening. I always think about it now when I hear news about today's remarkable protests there.

#TravelThursday #ThrowbackThursday #EasternEurope #Balkans #SerbiaProtests
A narrow street with small houses to the right and left in the warm orange-coloured, darkening light of the setting sun on the horizon.

Eine schmale Straße mit kleinen Häuschen rechts und links im warmen orangefarbenen, dunkler werdenden Licht der untergegangen Sonne am Horizont.

Serbia's students protest deadly government corruption culminating in the Novi Sad awning collapse that killed 15 people.


The authoritarian Serbian prime minister quit amidst the massive protest.

#Serbia #Students #NoviSad #GovernmentCorruption #Authoritarianism #Construction #Profit #Safety

It's interesting to me about the scant #media attention this is getting (at least here in the #USA)

MASSIVE protests in #Belgrade #Serbia

Reason: a train station collapsed in November, 15 dead. The entire country is seething with disgust at long standing #corruption

The Prime Minister just resigned, but the protesters are aiming for #Vucic

Now, #farmers are joining #students in their 24 hour #traffic #blockade

Keep your eyes on Serbia

huge crowds blocking traffic in belgrade
huge crowds blocking traffic in belgrade
huge crowds blocking traffic in belgrade
huge crowds blocking traffic in belgrade