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Beiträge, die mit PHILADELPHIA getaggt sind

Vital read from the #Philadelphia #Inquirer:

“Philly scientists brace for a fight over #vaccines and health policy with the Trump administration”

Gift link from yours truly — but if y’all are looking for solid, local indie pubs to support, consider a sub to my hometown Inky. It’s run by the nonprofit Lenfest Center for #Journalism, not a zillionaire kowtowing to Mango Mussolini. #healthcare


16 places to responsibly dispose of old #electronics in #Philadelphia

When not properly recycled, #Ewaste can leach into the waterways — and we miss a chance to get more use out of precious materials.

Words by McKenzie Morgan
Nov 30, 2024

"For many Philadelphians, old #CellPhones, #laptops and other #electronics gather dust in drawers or boxes in the back of closets.

"When residents finally start to feel fed up with the clutter or during their annual spring cleanings, these devices are sometimes tossed into the trash or blue recycling bins. These forgotten electronics have become a part of a growing citywide e-waste problem.

"Philadelphia creates around 1.5 million tons of residential and commercial waste annually, according to government initiative SmartCityPHL. Electronics and textiles comprise about 10% of the city’s waste stream. The rest is sent to incinerators and landfills, bringing hazardous and resource-rich materials with it.

"But the good news is, there’s something residents can do about it.

"While giving up or not upgrading our devices isn’t always an option, getting them out of our curbside bins and landfills is. The Philadelphia metro region has over a dozen facilities where you can donate and properly recycle your e-waste, keeping them out of landfills and giving them new life.

Here’s a guide to places in the Philadelphia region to responsibly dispose of old electronics."

Read more:

#EWasteRecycling #SmartCityPHL #SolarPunkSunday #ReduceReuseRecycle #RecycleElectronics #RecycleCopper #ElectronicsRecycling

#philadelphia Mayor Cherelle Parker signed a law making civil rights trailblazer Caroline LeCount the first Black woman to have a city street named after her. Better yet, the street had previously been named after Supreme Court Chief Justice Roger Taney, the author of the Dred Scott decision in 1857. The city is currently renaming all of the streets named after him. #ushistory #Heroes #sheroes #civilrights #history https://www.phillytrib.com/news/local_news/philly-mayor-signs-into-law-making-caroline-lecount-first-black-woman-with-city-streets-in/article_ca1d0d8d-a119-535a-afd6-8c01774ed10f.html

For any of you who dropped the #NYT or #WaPo or any other corporate backed #news .
2 Papers of note you may want to #subscribe to and help them out, run as #non-profit .
#Tampa bay times, owned by Poynter University School of #journalism
#Philadelphia Inquirer self-owned public good non-profit
Been meaning to buy a newspaper subscription, and signed up for my local Philly paper. finally. Never paid for a newspaper before