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Beiträge, die mit PaulManafort getaggt sind

#russiarussiarussia #joycevance

everytime we hear #Trump say RRR, we are reminded of the fact that his campaign manager #PaulManafort #Manafort gave internal polling data to #Kilimnik who was a #RussianAgent

By USB memory stick.
By hand.
Fact to fact meeting.
In person.
Physically together in the same room.

Sad, seems #zelenskyy #zelensky has lost weight, see? He moved his wedding ring to a larger finger.
Zelenskyy moved his wedding ring to a thicker finger. 
That's understandable, being in war
Zelenskyy moved his wedding ring to a thicker finger. 
That's understandable, being in war
Zelenskyy moved his wedding ring to a thicker finger. 
That's understandable, being in war

Good example of how to cover the news accurately, by Casey Michel:

Paul Manafort Is Back to Wreck the World

Trump’s one-time aide-de-camp and bagman for corrupt foreign regimes is returning to his old stomping grounds, rolling back precious progress against a world of kleptocrats.

"Instead of the broken, chastened man Manafort once claimed to be, he’s cannonballed back into the world of cementing authoritarian forces around the globe."

#PaulManafort #Manafort


Pardoned by Trump, Manafort Is Back and Looking for Foreign Work

Manafort is looking to advise campaigns for opposition and far-right political factions in Latin America and Europe

Manafort's team includes Trump's '24 campaign mgr Chris LaCivita and pollster Tony Fabrizio, Texan John Harkrider and digital advertising strategist Vincent Harris, who worked briefly for Mr. Trump’s 2016 campaign.

Manafort has also engaged with interests in Ukraine.
#PaulManafort #Manafort
