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Beiträge, die mit PublicDomainDay getaggt sind

Conveniently, January 1st will be the next Public Domain Day, with new works entering the public domain, including Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms, more Mickey Mouse animations, Marx Brothers' first feature film, Popeye, Tintin, and the song Singin' in the Rain.

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"So what's entering the public domain this year? Well, for one thing, there's more of the stuff from last year, which makes sense: if Hemingway's first books entered the PD last year, then this year, we'll the books he wrote next (and this will continue every year until we catch up with Hemingway's tragic death).

There are some big hits from our returning champions, like Woolf's To the Lighthouse and A Farewell to Arms from Hemingway. Jenkins and Boyle call particular attention to one book: Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury, its title taken from a public domain work by Shakespeare."


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