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Beiträge, die mit Standard getaggt sind

Italy to host allies meeting to boost role in Syria’s transition https://www.byteseu.com/632893/ #Europe #Italy #Standard #story #Syria #UKBureau
Italy to host allies meeting to boost role in Syria's transition

Syria to dominate talks as Iraq’s Al Sudani visits Iran https://www.byteseu.com/632199/ #Conflicts #ForeignDeskTeam #Iran #Iraq #Standard #story #Syria
Syria to dominate talks as Iraq's Al Sudani visits Iran

https://www.europesays.com/1748728/ Italy to host allies meeting to boost role in Syria’s transition #europe #italy #Standard #story #Syria #UKBureau
Italy to host allies meeting to boost role in Syria's transition

ISO 37002 - Whistleblower Management Systems Terms and Definitions:

Management System 👇
set of interrelated or interacting elements of an organization to establish policies and objectives, as well as processes to achieve those objectives

Do you need a whistleblower management system? Check out Hush Line - our free, open-source, and managed tip line platform: https://hushline.app/

#whistleblower #iso #standard #journalism #anonymous #reporting #tipline #tips #tipbox
The words “Management System” are in large purple text, followed by the definition in smaller gray text: “set of interrelated or interacting elements of an organization to establish policies and objectives, as well as processes to achieve those objectives.” Below, in black text, it says “Whistleblower Management Systems” and “ISO 37002.” The website “hushline.app” is displayed in purple at the bottom left. A soft, curved purple shape decorates the right side.

Constant buzz of Israeli drones over Beirut stark reminder that war is ‘not over yet’ https://www.byteseu.com/595281/ #Conflicts #ForeignDeskTeam #Israel #Lebanon #Standard #story
Constant buzz of Israeli drones over Beirut stark reminder that war is ‘not over yet’

Committee monitoring Hezbollah-Israel ceasefire set for second meeting in south Lebanon https://www.byteseu.com/572034/ #Conflicts #ForeignDeskTeam #Hezbollah #Israel #Lebanon #Standard #story
Committee monitoring Hezbollah-Israel ceasefire set for second meeting in south Lebanon

Committee overseeing Israel-Hezbollah ceasefire takes aerial tour of south Lebanon https://www.byteseu.com/536604/ #Conflicts #ForeignDeskTeam #Hezbollah #Israel #Lebanon #Standard #story
Committee overseeing Israel-Hezbollah ceasefire takes aerial tour of south Lebanon