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Beiträge, die mit alassad getaggt sind

Reports #Syria's exiled ex-#President Bashar #AlAssad has been poisoned in #Russia in alleged assassination attempt: #news #Moscow #Asia https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/32568444/syria-bashar-al-assad-poisoned-assassination-russia/

🇮🇱#Israel‎ul a ocupat aproximativ 300 de kilometri pătrați în 🇸🇾#Siria de la căderea președintelui Bashar #alAssad.

🔗 https://wp.me/p9KpFA-40at


#AlAssad flight out of #Homs switched off its transponder after gaining altitude. An #Indian news outlet immediately speculated it had crashed. Stinky buggers! Why not Aliens?
And the Interwebs dweebs came alight!

Leave the cow piss on the street people.

#flightradar24 #indiajournalism #journalism #cowpisssoda #AlAssadescape #hindutva

#Netanyahu anunță că a odonat armatei să ”să preia controlul” zonei-tampon a Platoului #Golan.
El își atribuie căderea lui Bashar #alAssad.
Atacuri ale de la 🪖#armataIsraeliană în apropiere de #Damasc.

🔗 https://wp.me/p9KpFA-3ZFc

#Știri #Israel

I like to imagine #AlAssad playing cards with #Yanukovic in a #Moskow hotel, holding a place for #AliKhamenei which is coming soon to join them

#Israel #Russia #Ukraine #Syria #Iran