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Beiträge, die mit belfastmaine getaggt sind

#BelfastMaine Community Works

"Our Mission: To be a shared space for makers, builders, and dreamers of all ages that enriches our community and encourages innovation, creativity, and connections throughout Belfast and beyond.

"Belfast Community Works is an enthusiastic group of volunteers dedicated to sharing and learning repair skills with the greater Belfast community. We aim to give new life to well-worn items as we strive to divert waste from the landfill and build community self-reliance. We do our best to repair broken electronics, housewares, appliances, clothing, and more!

Belfast Community Works'

Build community - Save money - Keep stuff out of the landfill.

Free event! All are welcome!

#RightToRepair #RepairCafesMaine #Maine #DIY #RepairCafé #FixIt #SolarPunkSunday #RepairCafes #PlannedObsolescence
Belfast Community Works'

Build community - Save money - Keep stuff out of the landfill.

Free event! All are welcome!

3rd Saturday of the Month, 9am to Noon, Waldo County YMCA, 157 Lincolnville Road, Belfast, ME 

Bring fibers that need fixing or small electrical appliances that need repair. We'll have some common parts available at our cost, but please bring replacement parts if you have them.

Sewing machine will be available for items that need mending.

Basic bike repair and maintenance.