The self watering pot worked like a charm! All plants looked nice after 4 days and a couple of hours away. I'm traveling again for almost one week, but now I can be tranquil in relation to the watering.
Today I've added for the first time the full recommend amount of growth and calcium+magnesium fertilizers. I'll keep like that in the following weeks.
I hope they can develop more in the vegetative stage. The autoflowering plant that doesn't have any smell, the one to the west, has started blooming some stigmas. More details here autoflowering plants are already taller than the photoperiodic one, 17 cm and 14 cm, respectively, although they are one week younger. My plan is to move the photoperiodic one to the balcony when nights get warmer and the auto ones really start blooming, so I can use the LED light for both in the next phase.
Let's see how much they will be able to produce in the next weeks!
P. S. In my previous post, I counted the number of weeks wrongly, it was 3 and 4.
cannabis #
brokkoliAttached: 3 images · Content warning: Cannabis question: auto blooming on the 4th week
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