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Beiträge, die mit carney getaggt sind

Did you know Mark Carney was awarded the 'Order of Canada' in 2014 (under PM Harper’s recommendation) for his leadership in the development of financial policy in #Canada and around the world.

"As governor of the Bank of Canada he was one of the key players in steering the Canadian economy through the 2008 global economic crisis, championing clear communication and predictability."

#cdnpoli #canada #elxn45 #carney
Mark Carney smiling and wearing his Order of Canada medallion

Over 900 days as 🇨🇦 Conservative leader and Pierre #Poilievre still refuses to get his security clearance.

#clearChoice #elbowsUp #elxn45 #VoteApril28 #cdnpoli #canada #carney

Kanadas Verhältnis zu den USA: Carney sieht "kein Zurück"

Für Kanadas neuen Premier Carney ist alte Beziehung zu den USA Geschichte. Es sei klar geworden, dass die USA kein verlässlicher Partner mehr seien, sagte er. Mit US-Präsident Trump werde er dennoch in den kommenden Tagen telefonieren.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/amerika/kanada-usa-106.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

#Kanada #USA #Carney #Trump

🇨🇦 NEW: PM Carney's bombshell presser today:

He intends to totally reconfigure Canada's supply chains across business sectors.
He sent a direct message to US administration that Canada has already made our plans & we WILL move on without the US.
“He will be tough for the Americans to deal with”
“He’ll make mincemeat of the second-raters in the Trump team”
“He’s made it quite clear that #Canada is not going to put up with this BS.”

#cdnpoli #elxn45 #carney

🇨🇦 "Pierre #Poilievre went to Canada's North, made promises about the North, without talking to the leaders of the North.
Mark Carney sat down for tea and listened to the leaders of the North.
That's Leadership.
See the difference, #Canada?"

#cdnpoli #carney

h/t Clay Thompson @harryt59Harry
Carney talking and eating with Elders
PP standing alone wearing a black canada flag hat
PP standing alone on the Nunavut airstrip
Carney shaking hands & meeting the residents of Iqaluit

Kanadas Premier Carney sucht den Schulterschluss in Europa

Europa statt die USA: Kanadas Premier Carney hat auf seiner ersten Auslandsreise Frankreichs Präsident Macron besucht. Den Zollstreit der USA gegen Kanada sprachen beide nicht direkt an - dafür machten sie der Ukraine ein Versprechen.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/amerika/kanada-premier-europa-reise-100.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

#Carney #Kanada

13/n “Freedom is not a given. Democracy is not a given. Even Canada is not a given”

Amazing that a Canadian Prime Minister would say this.

And he wraps up his speech to a standing ovation.
He will be remembered as a consequential, and I think positive, Prime Minister.

(I have to go now — former PM Chrétien is speaking now. He is 91)
“I am ready to fight!”
#canPoli #cdnpoli #trudeau #carney #freeland #gould #baylis
A side shot shows trudeau standing on stage looking out to the crowd.
Chretien, an elderly man, speaks at the podium.

12/n Trudeau speaks for the final time as Liberal leader.

“Now as Canadians face, from our neighbour, an existential crisis… Canadians are showing what it is that makes us. By proudly embracing who we are. Standing up for everyone’s fundamental rights is the only way to preserve our freedom. “

“We are a country that wants people to be able to pray as they pray, and love who they love. We will always defend a woman’s right to choose. We will be a country that will be diplomatic when we can but fight when we must… ELBOWS UP”

(The crowd chants Elbows Up)

#canPoli #cdnpoli #trudeau #carney #freeland #gould #baylis
Trudeau speaks at a lecture.

11/n Daughter of PM Trudeau (16yr old) Ella-Grace.

She is introducing her father. First time I have seen her speak publicly. Pretty interesting that she is willing to come and say her piece.

Will we see her in a future election?

“My brothers and and I have shared our dad with you, but now we’re taking him back”.

Well done young lady.

#canPoli #cdnpoli #trudeau #carney #freeland #gould #baylis
A young woman speaks surrounded by red.

10/n and now the front runner (the speaking order was done by draw) Mark Carney
“Who is ready to stand up for Canada?”
He speaks in a relaxed way compared to the others.
#canPoli #cdnpoli #trudeau #carney #freeland #gould #baylis
Likely the next prime minister of Canada mark carney raises a finger as he is framed by banners.

9/n Now Karina Gould, who was the youngest candidate, is speaking. I hate that “young people” are always at a disadvantage. Unless of course they have a certain pedigree (Trudeau was 38 when he won leadership) #canPoli #cdnpoli #trudeau #carney #freeland #gould #baylis
A woman speaks excitedly at a microphone.

8/n next up, the former Finance Minister and Deputy Prime Minister of Canada, Chrystia Freeland speaks before the votes are revealed.
“We will defeat Poillievre and his Maple Syrup MAGA”

#canPoli #cdnpoli #trudeau #carney #freeland #gould #baylis
A woman in a red jacket and white blouse speaks, surrounded by her daughters .

7/n the least likely Candidate to win, Frank Baylis. Speaks first.

He doesn’t expect to win. Worth noting that he is likely richer than Mark Carney…

If you have any doubt what you are going to hear from everyone tonight…
“We will not be intimidated by a tweet, and we will not be broken by a tariff”

Next up, Freeland.
#canPoli #cdnpoli #trudeau #carney #freeland #gould #baylis
A man speaks at a microphone.

6/n showing a pictures of Pierre Trudeau and a young (tallest) boy on the stage as his father stepped down in 1984.

It’ll be interesting to hear what he has to say as he steps aside today.
#canPoli #cdnpoli #trudeau #carney #freeland #gould #baylis
A picture of Pierre Trudeau at a microphone on June 14, 1984
A picture of two brothers with him on stage with their father.

5/n Minister of Foreign Affairs Mélanie Joly, a supporter of Liberal leadership candidate Mark Carney says:

“I decided [for Carney] for three reasons
People want change
People want someone who can negotiate with Trump, and understand economic impacts
He is able to peat Pierre Poillievre. We need that Canadian jobs and Canadian way of life.”

#canPoli #cdnpoli #trudeau #carney #freeland #gould #baylis
A woman and a man speak in a small overlay box on the TV screen while larger box shows the red huge conference floor.

3/n The votes are designated by riding. There are 343 ridings. Each riding is given 100 points for 343,000 total available. So to win, a candidate needs 17,151.

The ballots are ranked so since there are four candidates there will be up to 4 rounds counted. If a candidate doesn’t win a majority then the bottom candidate is dropped and their points go to the other candidates based on ranks.

It always annoys me when political parties have better voting systems than the general electorate in this country.

One day we will get PR!

#canPoli #cdnpoli #trudeau #carney #freeland #gould #baylis
A picture of a television shows 343 ridings written beside our representation of Canada over top of line with 34,300
17151 majority graphic

2/n If you are looking for coverage and don’t have Cable TV, you can download the CBC GEM app to see the live feed. It might be on CBC News app too and will be on their website at some point.
#canPoli #cdnpoli #trudeau #carney #freeland #gould #baylis
A screenshot of the App Store shows four apps including CBC Gem, News, La Presse, and GlobalTV

1/n It’s time for a new Liberal Leader!
I am not a Liberal Party of Canada supporter, but this is extremely important in this unprecedented moment in US Canada relations.

The votes are in, we are just waiting for the count. I have not heard yet how they will be counting. If it is across multiple counts or if they just announce the winner.

If you know, please let me know.

One of the analysts just said, “when Carney is coronated”..

#canPoli #cdnpoli #trudeau #carney #freeland #gould #baylis
A picture of a tv which shows a desk of 5 people with red hued conference floor

Wirtschaftsexperte Carney wird Trudeau-Nachfolger in Kanada

In Kanada hat die Liberale Partei den ehemaligen Zentralbankchef Carney zu ihrem neuen Vorsitzenden gewählt. Als Nachfolger Trudeaus wird er auch zumindest vorläufig das Amt des Premierministers übernehmen.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/amerika/kanada-trudeau-nachfolge-100.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

#Kanada #Carney

#carney #canpoli #Canada 🇨🇦
A serious and capable adult has entered the room. To hell with career politicians and their partisan hackery, we need Carney right now. Canada's economy and security depend on it.