Beiträge, die mit catinantimagahat getaggt sind
🧵 Thread 16/X
🥥 Things to do instead of watching the inauguration on Monday: Wear a Hat and Love Your Cat Edition.
If watching the Untied Snakes slide into fascism on Martin Luther King Day is not your thing, show your disapproval with a cat in a hat. 🥥
#USPolitics #Inauguration #InaugurationSurvivalKit #CatInAntiMAGAHat #TuckersBalls
🥥 Things to do instead of watching the inauguration on Monday: Wear a Hat and Love Your Cat Edition.
If watching the Untied Snakes slide into fascism on Martin Luther King Day is not your thing, show your disapproval with a cat in a hat. 🥥
#USPolitics #Inauguration #InaugurationSurvivalKit #CatInAntiMAGAHat #TuckersBalls