Beiträge, die mit cognition getaggt sind
Blocking mobile internet for two weeks led to mental health improvements with an effect size larger than typically seen in antidepressant studies, improved sustained attention comparable to reversing 10 years of age-related decline, and increased well-being in 91% of participants in at least one key area.
#cellphones #internet #cognition #PRESS
This one change to your phone can reverse age-related cognitive issues by 10 years
New research reveals a surprisingly simple way to improve mental health and focus: turn off your phone’s internet.StudyFinds Staff (StudyFinds)
Podcast: AI Is Breaking Our Brains
This week we discuss a new Microsoft study that finds using generative AI is "atrophying" people's cognition and critical thinking skills, the right's war on Wikipedia, and, in the subscriber's section, the idea of posting against fasc…Jason Koebler (404 Media)
Is AI making us stupider? Maybe, according to one of the world’s biggest AI companies
By relying on artificial intelligence to help make our lives easier, are we making ourselves smarter or dumber?The Conversation (StudyFinds)
"This week we discuss a new Microsoft study that finds using generative AI is 'atrophying' people's cognition and critical thinking skills, the right's war on Wikipedia, and, in the subscriber's section, the idea of posting against fascism."
Podcast: AI Is Breaking Our Brains
This week we discuss a new Microsoft study that finds using generative AI is "atrophying" people's cognition and critical thinking skills, the right's war on Wikipedia, and, in the subscriber's section, the idea of posting against fasc…Jason Koebler (404 Media)
A study by Microsoft and Carnegie Mellon University found that excessive confidence in AI worsens people's cognitive abilities. The survey of 319 IT specialists revealed a direct relationship between ESS and reduced critical thinking.
VIA @rogue_corq
#AI #cognition #press
Штучний інтелект може може гальмувати людське пізнання та шкодити навичкам критичного мислення - дослідження
Дослідження Microsoft та Університету Карнегі-Меллона показало, що надмірна довіра до ШІ погіршує когнітивні здібності людей. В опитуванні 319 IT-фахівців виявлено пряму залежність між впевненістю в ШІ та зниженням критичного мислення.Ігор Тележніков (UNN)
Microsoft Study Finds AI Makes Human Cognition “Atrophied and Unprepared”
Researchers find that the more people use AI at their job, the less critical thinking they use.Emanuel Maiberg (404 Media)