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Beiträge, die mit enegry getaggt sind

About Energy and Socialism

If we consider the history of human civilization through the eyes of an engineer, it looks extremely logical and slender. The whole history is an evolutionary development of new types of energy, energy resources and technologies of their extraction, processing and utilization. From human muscle power to the muscle power of domestic animals, to the use of wind and flowing water energy, to the energy of hot springs, to the energy of chemical reaction of combustion using first different types of wood, peat, then coal, oil, to the conquest of the laws of electrodynamics, to the use of natural gas and to the current peak of the level of energy development - to the energy of the atomic nucleus. What kind of -isms happened along the way? Feudalism, capitalism, imperialism, socialism and capitalism again? It is absolutely indifferent, just white noise, that's all. Only the pace of development of these technologies is important - after the slumber of the first 18 centuries AD, the pace began to pick up, which was maximum during the years of planned development due to state efforts. This -ism we call socialism, so we can simply fix: since socialism gave the maximum rate of development of the energy sector, this economic and political system is optimal for the energy sector.

The peak of energy development in the USSR, which, like modern Russia, was the northernmost country in the world, was that its electricity and heat were the cheapest on the planet. Socialism was removed - came the notorious adjustment of energy tariffs every year and a half. Rational? No. No, because it hinders the development of living standards, hinders the development of the economy in its entire complex - in industry, in agriculture, in transportation. I'm not good at philosophy and political science, but I know for sure: centralized long-term planning was optimal for the development of the energy sector and, consequently, civilization.

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