Beiträge, die mit polyamory getaggt sind
Ich muss jetzt mal was zum thema #polyamory sagen….
Wenn das ganze nicht auf Ehrlichkeit basiert…. Kannste es dir auch getrost in den arsch stecken.
Wenn das ganze nicht auf Ehrlichkeit basiert…. Kannste es dir auch getrost in den arsch stecken.
Sometimes #polyamory is hard. It's confusing to navigate, difficult to understand, and finding people who actually share your beliefs and want the same things as you often makes dating feel exhausting.
But the thing is, monogamy is no different. Navigating and understanding monogamous relationships was just as complicated. I just didn't have the language to express it.
But the thing is, monogamy is no different. Navigating and understanding monogamous relationships was just as complicated. I just didn't have the language to express it.
Realising that you no longer feel the same way about a partner doesn't mean that a relationship has to end.
A relationship doesn't only need to build and grow. It's possible to accept that something needs to get smaller.
This is what we call de-escalation, and it's a big part of many #polyamory journeys.
A relationship doesn't only need to build and grow. It's possible to accept that something needs to get smaller.
This is what we call de-escalation, and it's a big part of many #polyamory journeys.