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Beiträge, die mit racialvilification getaggt sind


OMFZ. A rolled gold living breathing premier sample of irresponsible incompetent churnalism. Despicable.

Not one mention, let alone actual discussion, of THE salient fact. Racial discrimination laws are a one-way street, to protect "minority classes" [in a power / political sense only] from abuse from a "majority class". They are NOT intended to merely be a further weapon for the majority to wield against the minority.

SK is [at least in some eyes] non-white, whereas the cop is white. Had this cop racially taunted / insulted SK, she could legitimately seek legal redress via racial vilification law. But that's not how it was, it was flipped. SK insulted him. She can be legitimately charged for drunk & disorderly, possibly also for wilful damage [albeit even that has nuance in this case], but she cannot be charged with racially vilifying a white person. This idiot churnalism covered NONE of that, instead only prurient & irrelevant shit. Pathetic.

#SamKerr #RacialVilification #BadJournalism