Beiträge, die mit samkerr getaggt sind
The ballad of Samantha Kerr
Oh yes yes YES!
Finally a journo who gets it, & has perfectly summed the real scenario, & why this "case" was such an outrageous farce, if not travesty.
Thank you, John Silvester 👍
The ballad of Samantha Kerr
This case is the biggest attack on an Australian sports star from the mother country since Bodyline.John Silvester (The Sydney Morning Herald)
OMFZ. A rolled gold living breathing premier sample of irresponsible incompetent churnalism. Despicable.
Not one mention, let alone actual discussion, of THE salient fact. Racial discrimination laws are a one-way street, to protect "minority classes" [in a power / political sense only] from abuse from a "majority class". They are NOT intended to merely be a further weapon for the majority to wield against the minority.
SK is [at least in some eyes] non-white, whereas the cop is white. Had this cop racially taunted / insulted SK, she could legitimately seek legal redress via racial vilification law. But that's not how it was, it was flipped. SK insulted him. She can be legitimately charged for drunk & disorderly, possibly also for wilful damage [albeit even that has nuance in this case], but she cannot be charged with racially vilifying a white person. This idiot churnalism covered NONE of that, instead only prurient & irrelevant shit. Pathetic.
#SamKerr #RacialVilification #BadJournalism
‘Stupid and white’: What’s happening in the Sam Kerr trial - The Morning Edition
The other day, the world suddenly saw Matildas Captain Sam Kerr in a new light. In police body-cam footage that has made global headlines, Kerr could be seen swearing at a police constable, and calling him names, while seemingly seething with disdain…
Even as no lawyer that much is obvious. Every law must apply to everyone or there will be so much resentment the law will be unenforceable.
In the same way as a woman who makes a sexist joke, she will have to pay for it.
#court #football #police
It seems like all the damn media, all the damn commentators, are piling in onto her. Afaict they are being obscenely selective & one-eyed here. Why can i see it but they not?
They're blackguarding her, talking her down, opining their pompous criticisms, based on what they saw of the cops' video. The video that shows nothing of what happened in the taxi. The video that shows nothing of any interview of the cabbie. The video that the cops only began recording inside the copshop, after Sam had been letting rip, but which missed everything outside from the arrival of the taxi there.
In other words, they're reacting to the visual prurience, & wilfully ignoring everything that lead up to it. They're ignoring the possible racism of the cabbie. They're ignoring the kidnap fear. Ignoring the cops goading her, their belittling dismissing or mocking her statements, ignoring that the cops clearly refused to listen to Sam & Kristie who five times told them it was K who kicked out the window & why, but they charged S anyway.
In other words, they're ignoring everything that lead to Sam's fear, then anger, & focussing only on her behaviour once angry.
Fuck you, MSM, you're a bunch of turds for such irresponsibility 🖕
Sam Kerr's racial harassment trial is a turning point for Australian sport
Never before has an Australian sportswoman been embroiled in as high profile a scandal as the one Sam Kerr finds herself in now, writes national sport reporter David Mark.David Mark (ABC News)
You’re free to go Sam, but the stench will linger
No, Peter, your take is WRONG. She was drunk, & her behaviour from the alcohol was unquestionably unbecoming ... exactly as has happened to squillions of Strayans before her [so stop clutching your pearls ffs]. Furthermore, stop ignoring the salient other points; the skin-colour issue, the kidnap-fear issue, & the white cops ignoring & disrespecting her. Geez Louise!
You’re free to go Sam, but the future is unsure
Sam Kerr walked free from court, but her behaviour on the night was appalling.Peter FitzSimons (The Sydney Morning Herald)
#racism #HateSpeech #Discrimination #colonialism #SamKerr
In what way are these things equivalent?
#racism #HateSpeech #Discrimination #colonialism #SamKerr
Sam Kerr's trial on charges of racially aggravated harassment of a Metropolitan Police officer begins in London
The body-cam vision of alleged victim, PC Stephen Lovell, was played to the court on the opening day of the trial in London.Mazoe Ford (ABC News)
Anti-Racism laws, like all the *isms' laws, are all about the empowered class being legally not entitled to punch down on the disempowered class. It's a one-way street.
It's NOT [supposed to be] just yet another way for the empowered class to further brutalise their victims. They've been doing that with gusto for centuries, & need no further assistance for it.
Afaik iirc, the cop is white, SK not. It's a logical impossibility for the disempowered class to harm the empowered class, using the legal protections created explicitly to protect the disempowered class from the ravages & assails of the empowered class.
That the cops have done this, seems like yet another racist assault, using with bitter irony the very tools intended to protect their victims.
What the fuck is going on in Pommyland? What's wrong with the Pommie Judge numpty?
#SamKerr #racism