Beiträge, die mit realpolitik getaggt sind
#brd #saudiarabia #jordan #turkey : #middleeast / #war / #gaza / #germanforeignpolicy / #realpolitik
(No surprise - until now, Saudia-Arabia was (rightly) considered an autocracy in the FRG - keyword Jamal Kashoggi…)
„Steinmeier's office posted the president's travel itinerary on the social media platform X and made note of the fact that he is the first German head of state ever to be honored with an official state visit.“
(No surprise - until now, Saudia-Arabia was (rightly) considered an autocracy in the FRG - keyword Jamal Kashoggi…)
„Steinmeier's office posted the president's travel itinerary on the social media platform X and made note of the fact that he is the first German head of state ever to be honored with an official state visit.“
German president travels to Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Turkey
Frank-Walter Steinmeier is headed to Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Turkey to discuss Syria and Gaza. Berlin's reputation in the region has suffered as a result of its steadfast support for Israel's war on Hamas in Gaza.Jon Shelton (Deutsche Welle)