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Time to purge my phone of memes. This one is my favorite, but I'm setting it free. Time for someone else to watch over it for a while :blobhaj_heart:

#StarTrek #DS9 #DeepSpace9
Post by logically-loving-jim-kirk

Things My (non-trekkie) Friend Has Called Garak So Far:

"dinosaur boy"

"crocodile husband"



"that gay stegosaurus"

"the fuckin.. flamboyant bearded dragon you keep talking about"

"Julian!" (pause) "wait no that's the boyfriend"

"Geordi right?"

"one of your spocks, the lizard one"

*human names but the first letter replaced with a G*, i.e. "Gatthew" "Gimothy" "Gackary" etc

Bodily autonomy for all
By any means necessary
Line illustration: a pink unicorn with blue mane & white antifa arrows across its flank rears up, about to trample a cop. Giant blue roses decorate the frame.
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Manly men fight #fascism
Poster in the style of USA WWII propaganda posters (might even be one, I just don't know for sure): "Fight NAZISM and FASCISM!" 
A muscular, shirtless man swings a large mallet at a two-headed snake that's coiled at his feet. Its heads are labeled "Hitlerism" and "Fascism"
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Technically not a meme, just a thing of beauty. Remember 2020? I know our elites do. #ACAB
Photograph: two cop SUVs, side by side, thoroughly engulfed in orange flames which are billowing dark smoke above a large crowd of protesters beyond the cars. The day is otherwise sunny and most people in the photo appear to be facing away from the cop car bonfire
Confidence is ALL you need
Cartoon in 4 parts.

1. "Confidence is all you need." Pac-Man looking dude with stick arms & legs flexes and grins confidently.

2. "With confidence, you can break through any barrier." Packie breaks through a purple barrier. 

3. "Any barrier." Packie busts down a green barrier labeled "facts". 

4. "ANY barrier." Packie is headed confidently to demolish a blue barrier labeled "basic human decency".

Credit: OwlTurd.com
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The Reagan series
Graph: Top Marginal Tax Rate from 1966 to 2014

Starts at 70%, finishes at 40%. Reagan's head points at the inflection point, 1980 - 82
Graph. X axis shows decades from 1970 through 2010. Y axis is % increase. Graph compares the annual cost to attend the University of Illinois, the Median Household income in Illinois, and the Minimum Wage in Illinois. 1970 - 1980 the % increase tracks. Reagan's head is inserted with an arrow pointing at 1980, after which they diverge. Minimum wage % increase is nearly flat, median household income is just above it, and cost to attend U. of Ill. % increase is exponential
Two graphs, on for USA and one for Western Europe. "Top 1% vs. Bottom 5o% national income shares, 1980-2016: Diverging income inequality trajectories"

In the USA graph, Reagan's head points toward 1980, where the top 1% share of national income starts at around 10% and the bottom 50% share starts at about 21%. Halfway thru the ensuing years, they cross, and in 2016 the 1% take 20% of national income, while the bottom 50% share declines to about13%

In the Western Europe graph, the top 1% share starts at 10%, bumps around, rises a bit to finish at 11%. The bottom 50% share of income starts at 24%, then declines gently to just above 20%
Chart: Life Expectancy vs. Healthcare Spending Over Time, from 1970 to 2014
Chile, S. Korea, Israel, Greece, Spain, Italy, Australia, New Zealand, Finland, UK, France, Luxembourg, Canada, Austria, Belgium, Ireland,  Germany, Denmark, Norway, Japan, Switzerland all follow similar upward trajectories. Reagan's face marks the inflection point roughly at 1985 where the USA began to get less and less life expectancy per dollar of healthcare spending
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#ACAB includes the label police. If you've never encountered the label police, you lucky duck, I've included an example.

#queer #LGBTQIA+
Shiny pink 80s font: "ACAB includes the Label Police"
Two tweets. The first (username blocked by fire emojis) says: "bisexual lesbian is literally fucking bi with a feminine lean but it's easier to fucking say"

This has been quoted by a user whose handle is blocked by poop emojis: "You're combining two different sexualities STOP" They've included a childish illustration of a person with sharp fangs biting a surprised-looking person's arm, with red scribbles of blood spurting out
Oh, misandry-mermaid. We had no idea how scary it would be.

(Yes, this was me, no I didn't coin it.)
Tumblr post (2014) of a screenshot of my tweet (like 2012). 
"Schrodinger's douchebag: A guy who says offensive things & decides whether he was joking based upon the reaction of people around him"

Comment by misandry-mermaid: "THIS IS SO SCARILY ACCURATE"
Meet the new subcontractor
A dog in a plaid shirt and a yellow hard hat.

"My specialty is roofing"
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There are so many feminisms but liberal feminism is among the worst
Voyager scene. A woman asks, "Are you two friends?"
Tuvok (labeled Marxist feminists): No.
Harry Kim (labeled liberal feminists): Yes.
SMASH! (Maybe the antifascist bodybuilders upthread will lend us a mallet)

Black words on purple field in graffit-esque dripping paint font. The feminist clenched fist inside the female symbol is centered. In faded gray outlines we see a bunch of women shouting
Never talk to cops

Art by @nobonzo
Mustard yellow illustration of a person--or rather the outline of a person--cross-legged among daisies and milkweed, with a beet growing in their chest. The roots and tendrils of the heart-beet extend throughout the body like veins and arteries, connecting with the roots and tendrils of the plants around them. Trippy.
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Meme from my mom (my dad's are better, generally)
Screencap of a comment on a WLKY weather map titled "Tracking The Polar Vortex." The jet stream contorts around two violet-colored centers of low temperatures, looking quite a bit like a pair of natural titties.
The comment: "Think of the jet stream as a full support bra for the polar vortex. 
Now think of global warming as a clothes dryer.
We dried that bra on 'hot' too many times and destroyed all the supportive elastic...
...this is why you get the Loose Boobies of Deathly Cold"
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All horses have names, you just have to ask
Neil Diamond sitting on a horse, holding a guitar and singing into a microphone (which mysteriously sprouts from the horse's back), "I've been through the desert on a horse with no name..." 

The horse says, "It's Frank and you fucking know it"
We live in a society
"Society be like"
[Cartoon showing a field full of tree stumps. A koala is clinging to one of the stumps, stressed out and trembling. Two people in suits are observing the koala, one taking notes while the other says, "This young koala has a mental health problem"]

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It's 2024 and you're still saying "spirit animal"? Embarrassing!
Galaxy brain meme
Tiny dark brain: "spirit animal"
Normal size, normal light brain: "patronus"
Lit up brain: "familiar" 
Brain emitting rays of light: "inner beast"
Brain unites with solar system: "fylgja"
Brain unites with cosmos: "fursona" 
Galaxy brain: "astral homie"
I love that thanks to the They Can Talk cartoon, geese have become the internet mascot for appropriate skepticism towards the plausible deniability of strategically ambiguous statements
Line drawing cartoon of a goose chasing a person wearing a goose down jacket from TheyCanTalk.com. Edited so the goose says, "Disagree with about. Motherfucker, disagree with about what??!?
Color block illustration of a child being set upon by 2 angry geese.
Child: I'm being silenced for my opinions
Goose: Which ones
Other goose: Which ones motherfucker