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European Universities started …
.. leaving X

#Universities in #Amsterdam, #Vienna, #Berlin, #Karlsruhe, #Aachen and other cities in Europe have left microblogging service X during the last week(s).

They justify this step with the systematic lack of moderation on the platform, which has resulted in a flood of hate speech, disinformation and cyberbullying.

Some of them have already started to run channels on Mastodon: @univienna, @tuberlin, @KIT_Karlsruhe, @UniOldenburg @unibremen, @freieuniversitaet, @UniUlm , @HTW_Berlin, @uni_paderborn.

X is not a suitable medium for communication in #research and #education. Help get the other #universities to follow suit and sign the petition
👉 https://openpetition.de/Unis4Mastodon
#unis4mastodon 🌻 👩‍🎓 #eXit
The picture shows the logo of universities in Austria, Germany and the Nederlands, which have left microblogging service X.
The picture shows the logos of universities in Austria, Germany and the Netherlands, which have left microblogging service X.
In Switzerland, the #University of #Berne is very active: @unibern and @CDEunibe

Other science-y institutions in #Switzerland include: @snsf_ch @zbzuerich @SIB @taswiss

Did I miss any (active ones)?

Please give all of these European universities a warm #Fediverse welcome!

@univienna @tuberlin @KIT_Karlsruhe @UniOldenburg @unibremen @freieuniversitaet @UniUlm @HTW_Berlin @uni_paderborn
Die Uni Bern ist erfreulicherweise schon länger auf Mastodon aktiv.

Leider sind @unibern
und @CDEunibe noch bei X bzw. haben auf der Startseite ihrer Homepage das Icon zu X zusammen mit tiktok, insta und fb stehen, während kein Icon ins Fediverse weist...

Was mir eben noch auffiehl: Der Link zum Impressum unter PERSÖNLICHE NOTIZ beim Account der Uni Bern führt auf eine Facebookseite. Was mag der Grund dafürs sein?
