How the UK Security Services neutralised the country’s leading liberal newspaper:
#TheGuardian #Assange #Corbyn #MI5 #MI6 #LabourParty #Labour #England #Britain #UK #centreLeft #leftOfCentre #elections #UKPol #politics #SocialDemocracy #SocDem #media #security #manipulation #coOpting #conflation #confusion #antisemitism #Guardian #DumpTheGuardian #manufacturingConsent
#TheGuardian #Assange #Corbyn #MI5 #MI6 #LabourParty #Labour #England #Britain #UK #centreLeft #leftOfCentre #elections #UKPol #politics #SocialDemocracy #SocDem #media #security #manipulation #coOpting #conflation #confusion #antisemitism #Guardian #DumpTheGuardian #manufacturingConsent
How the UK Security Services neutralised the country's leading liberal newspaper
The Guardian, Britain’s leading liberal newspaper with a global reputation for independent and critical journalism, has been successfully targeted by security agencies.MARK CURTIS (Declassified Media ltd)
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