30 January 1933 | Adolf Hitler, the leader of the Nazi Party (NSDAP - National Socialist German Workers' Party) became the Chancellor of Germany.
7 years, 4 months & 15 days later first Polish men were incarcerated in Auschwitz, a new concentration camp established in the occupied part of Polish territory annexed to Germany after the beginning of World War Two.
Listen to our podcast about the creation of the camp: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/auschwitz-memorial/episodes/On-Auschwitz-1-The-beginnings-of-Auschwitz-e1161cf/a-a5k4gp7
7 years, 4 months & 15 days later first Polish men were incarcerated in Auschwitz, a new concentration camp established in the occupied part of Polish territory annexed to Germany after the beginning of World War Two.
Listen to our podcast about the creation of the camp: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/auschwitz-memorial/episodes/On-Auschwitz-1-The-beginnings-of-Auschwitz-e1161cf/a-a5k4gp7
"On Auschwitz" (1): The beginnings of Auschwitz by On Auschwitz
The German Nazi Auschwitz camp was established by the SS in the occupied city of Oświęcim, on the Polish territory annexed by the Third Reich at the beginning of World War II. Paweł Sawicki talks to Dr.Spotify for Creators
Pa-RAD-ikaldies •
👉 1 Tag später wird "das Parlament in Berlin, der Reichstag, aufgelöst".
👉 "7 Jahre, 4 Monate & 15 Tage später wurden erste polnische Männer in Auschwitz inhaftiert, ein neues Konzentrationslager, das im besetzten Teil des polnischen Territoriums errichtet wurde"
auch: https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Machtergreifung
Deutscher Bahnkunden-Verband •
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