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Via Klasfeld: 1/… 🧵

"All rise."

Justice #Merchan takes the bench, and he addresses #Trump's attorney Todd Blanche, who confirms that he and his client are appearing virtually from Florida.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (2 Monate her)
2/ Inner City Press:

Trump is on the video screen from Mar-a-Lago, sitting next to Todd Blanche. Emil Bove is here in the courtroom.
Justice Merchan: Virtual sentencing is permitted here in New York. First, please look at the probation report
[Copies handed to each side]
3/ Anna Bower:

The prosecution reviews Trump's probation report for several minutes. Then Justice Merchan inquires if there's anything the DA's office wants to "put on the record" regarding the report.

Steinglass says there's nothing to add.
4/ Inner City Press:

Justice Merchan: Mr. Blanche, do you have any objections to the report?
Blanche: It is out of date. But given what we expect to be happening today, no objection.
[Trump is leaning in toward the camera, Blanche leaning back, toward the two American flag behind]
5/ Anna Bower:

Now both the prosecution and the defense have an opportunity to address the court.

Steinglass is up first for the prosecution.

Steinglass notes that Merchan has indicated an intention to sentence Trump to a sentence that does not involve incarceration, called "unconditional discharge."
6/ Bower:

Given the circumstances, Steinglass continues, the People recommend a sentence of unconditional discharge.

Pressing on, he stresses the "overwhelming" evidence in the case and the fact that the jury returned a unanimous verdict, which "must be respected."
7/ Inner City:

ADA (standing and reading from statement): The defendant was convicted of 34 felonies. This Court has called it premeditated. The verdict was unanimous and decisive and must be respected. The defendant did not defend our Constitutional system of justice.
8/ Bower:

Far from expressing any kind of remorse," Steinglass says, the defendant here has bred "disdain" for our institutions.

The defendant has not only been held in contempt in other matters, but this court found him in contempt for ten violations.
9/ Bower:
His "dangerous" rhetoric was intentional, Steinglass says, and reflects a threat to the rule of law.

What's more, he has threatened retaliation against the people and judge involved in this case.

In 2024 report, Justice Roberts warned of danger of these kinds of attacks, he continues.

Roberts also warned of dangers of disinformation.

"Put simply, this defendant has caused enduring damage to the public perception of the criminal justice system," Steinglass says.
10/ Harry Litman:

Trump shaking his head repeatedly as court and prosecutors reiterate the fact of conviction and evidence. He will have a chance to speak during the hearing. expect at a minimum insistence of full innocence and exoneration and attack on the court and prosecutors. Q is how outrageous will he get?
11/ Bower:

In 2024 report, Justice Roberts warned of danger of these kinds of attacks, he continues.

Roberts also warned of dangers of disinformation.

"Put simply, this defendant has caused enduring damage to the public perception of the criminal justice system," Steinglass says.
12/ Bower:

Despite this, we must respect the presidency and the fact that the defendant will become president in days.

For that reason, the practical sentence is unconditional discharge. As the court wrote in its order, it will provide finality and allow defendant to pursue appellate options.
14/ Bower:

Now Blanche, appearing virtually, is up on behalf of Trump.

I very much disagree with much of what the government just said, Blanche begins.

It was NOT an appropriate case to be brought, he claims.

Multiple prosecutors looked at facts of this case and decided not to bring charges.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (2 Monate her)
15/ Bower:

A lot of what the government just said presupposes that this case was legally appropriate, Blanche continues. We very much disagree with that and "intend on appealing" that.

There's many, many, many legal experts that share the view that this case should not have been brought.
16/ Bower:

Blanche: And it's not just legal experts who believe this case shouldn't have been brought, Blanche says. It's the majority of the American people.

They decided. And that's why in 10 days President Trump will assume office of the presidency.
17/ Bower:

That's why it's a sad day for Trump and his family and friends, but also for the American people.

I know Trump shares the view that this should never happen again in this country.

We intend to pursue appeal.
18/ Lying felon says what now?

Now Trump addresses the court.

Legal fees were put down as legal expenses by accountants -- not me. I didn't call them anything. For this, I got indicted. It's incredible, actually.

The top legal scholars in this country have said -- virtually everyone! -- that this shouldn't have been brought.
19/ Litman:

and we have the non sequitur that will be Trump's refrain: that somehow his election victory is the last word on all the cases and amounts to an exoneration for everything.
20/ Litman:

Trump says the people saw the NY case and he won election. He won all 7 swing states. Pitch is literally that the election trumps so to speak the jury verdict.
21/ Bower (I’m skipping some… having trouble copying):

Then Trump talks about Cohen. He has no credibility, Trump says. But he was allowed to come in here and talk like he was George Washington.

It was a disgrace to the system.

I was under a gag order, I guess I'm still under it. But the fact is that I'm totally innocent.
22/ Usual Trump screed. Then, via Klasfeld:

Justice Merchan responds to Trump's tirade against the justice system with a simple, "Thank you, Mr. Trump."

He then begins his sentencing remarks.
23/ Bower:

Justice Merchan: The court is vested with broad discretion to choose a sentence.

In my time on the bench, I've been called do make this weighty decision in countless cases. The task is always difficult.

However, never before has the court been presented with such unique, remarkable circumstances.
24/ Bower:

There was extraordinary public interest. And yet, when the doors were closed during the trial, it was no different from the ordinary trials that happen every day.

The same rules applied, and the process was guided by the law. The court staff and officers did their jobs as they would with any case.
25/ Bower:
Merchan: To be sure, it is the legal protections offered by the OFFICE of the presidency that is extraordinary. Not the OFFICE HOLDER.

And it is my obligation to consider mitigating and aggravating factors for any defendant before me.

Here, the extraordinary legal protections offered to office of president are the overriding factor.

To be clear, it does not mitigate the facts of the case or the jury's verdict. But it is a legal mandate that this court must follow.
26/ Inner City:

Justice Merchan: It is my obligation to consider all aggravating factors, already in my Sandoval ruling and other rulings. The protections afforded to the office of the president are NOT a mitigating factor - but they are a legal mandate
27/ Sigh.


Merchan: Through that lens, this court must determine a lawful sentence. After careful analysis, the court determines that the only lawful sentence that permits sentence without encroaching on the legal protections of the presidency is an unconditional discharge. Therefore, I impose that sentence.
28/ Bower:

Merchan: Sir, I wish you godspeed as you assume your second term in office.

And with that, Trump's sentencing is done.
The fascist thug thereby avoids accountability and is treated differently from how normal people are treated. A shande!