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it blows my mind people are not even discussing the obvious consequence of the #AI'fication of American capitalist-driven business making:

if you give up your corporate secrets to the few companies running the AI scam, you are abdicating your right to

- corporate secrets
- intellectual property
- copyright

this, btw, is why going 100% to the cloud would end up destroying so many businesses: Bezos OWNS your secrets.

you may or may not still have a right to trademarking but that's about it.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (2 Monate her)
that's why i always make a distinction between capitalist businesses and entrepreneurship.

they are NOT the same, neither in execution nor in outcome.
it's the same with #finance and #economics.

Reaganism (aka post-war American Fascism) blew the Overton Window on economics by saying the numbers game of finance is more important than the human activities that make an economy.

the financialization of everything is a cornerstone of fascism.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (2 Monate her)

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