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The cops are angry that Trump pardoned the Jan. 6 rioters as he promised he would.

Now Hispanic groups are angry that Trump is moving ahead with deportations without consulting them as he always intended not to.

What is next? Will women who voted for Trump be angry as they are reduced to second-class status as Trump has always done?

I mean, did everyone think Trump was kidding, that he was really NOT going to govern as a fascist?

Trump is to the U.S. what BREXIT was to the U.K.
Oh there was an article ages ago about how disappointed the Muslim community was regarding Trump’s about face on them immediately after the election. Truly incredible.
It's truly unfathomable to me that all of these groups who Trump clearly and repeatedly insulted and abused still somehow decided to vote for their chief enemy.
This election finally convinced me that most people are deeply uniformed and vote on pure emotion of the moment. It’s a devastating realization.
it’s true for this generation of voters. It might not have always been true.

When they realize the consequences of their inattention, that might change, but, of course, it’s too late already.
This election showed that people will not vote for genocide, even if nazis are the alternative, because they see no difference between them.
Now that makes more sense to me.
Which is why I say deeply uninformed and emotional. Those who thought that the genocide couldn’t get worse were either lacking in imagination or education. It was truly an awful, painful choice, to be sure.
I think it's like the classic trolley problem: If you throw the lever one direction or the other genocide will occur. So you refuse to throw the lever-- in other words you refuse to partake in the experiment.

I can't fault someone for not voting for the lesser genocide. *I* voted for the lesser evil but I'm not proud of it.

We need a party and candidates that we can vote for with enthusiasm instead of always having to hold our noses with disgust.
I like the point. I couldn't criticise an American who voted Kamala. But the angry Dems insisting that everyone had to vote for her, despite the genocide, were as bad as Trump in their blindness to great evil. It is a deeply moral and fair position to say 'I just can't'.

That the alternatives are fascism or genocide is not the fault of the voter.

@lucybeahere @Thebratdragon
I'd have thought self-preservation would DEMAND that people vote for the least-worst option, but I was clearly wrong @Dave_Goldsmith @lucybeahere @Thebratdragon
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No - I'd not say you were wrong. I don't think it is 'right' to refuse to vote for the least worse. My issue is with folks who insist - often in pretty strong terms - that refusing to vote a particular way is actually voting for the opposition.

Well - when the party one is supposed to vote for is genocidal, then I don't think it's that clear cut. And refusing to vote for genocide seems entirely reasonable.

@lucybeahere @Thebratdragon @Dave_Goldsmith
If more people refused to vote for anyone who supported genocide, there would be fewer leaders who support genocide. The problem with the logic of voting for the lesser evil is that there is no limit to how evil a person can be and still receive your support.
True. Voting for the lesser evil got us to where we are today: a competition between a party for billionaires and a party for millionaires.
My issue isn't the voting for the lesser evil. OK - I don't do it really.

It's the berating the rest of us for not doing it. The insufferable demands from shouty Dems, and the insistence that those who refused to vote for the genocide were responsible for Trump... proper WTF

@gpilz @lucybeahere @Thebratdragon
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Somehow the issue of #Gaza was laid on #KamalaHarris and the #DemocraticParty. It should never has been a differentiator in the election as #Israel has always had bipartisan support from the #USA. Trump has already shipped more munitions to Israel. It was Trump in his first term that moved the American embassy to Jerusalem, thumbing his nose at the Palestinians.

#uspoli #gaza
I think that’s the point. It isn’t a differentiator and it’s not unreasonable to demand that it is.
Somehow it was expected that young voters liberal voters natural Democratic voters Arab American and Jewish voters would vote for Harris and genocide. That didn't seem to work out.
yeah. I have every sympathy for those who just couldn’t. I do also get those who held their nose.
I can't speak for others but that's really the opposite of what I'm saying. I think it's fine to vote for the lesser evil. Well - it's understandable.

It's the condemning those who cannot stomach voting for genocide which galls me.

@Dave_Goldsmith @gpilz @Thebratdragon
I could say by the way, as well, that the scope of my certainty is very narrow. I am pretty sure that conservatism and the innate selfishness which is intrinsic to it, are as close to definitionally 'evil' as that word allows. Genocide: definitely bad. Profit over environment - bad

Otherwise though, the various shades of 'let's really try to make the world a better place'? I try to pick my way carefully though them. Self doubt rules tho

@Dave_Goldsmith @gpilz @Thebratdragon
no person has any rights, legal, ethical or moral to chastise another for not supporting genocide. No matter what they think.
Yeah - I think so. I get that in the UK folks wanted the Tories out and in the US wanted to stop Trump.

But that does not = a moral imperative to vote for either Starmer or Kamala, even tho in practice they might be better than the alternative. I wait to see in Keir's case.

@lucybeahere @Dave_Goldsmith @gpilz
Not sure I would agree with your assessment of conservatism. Burkian conservatism or what I would call classical conservatism is not the closest thing to evil I can imagine like the way fascism is. Remember: Burke was an abolitionist. But what passes for conservatism in the US has effectively morphed into fascism.

The Dems are still a Liberal party while the Reps have abandoned Conservatism-- their ideology broke on the wheel of demographics, IMHO.
the condemnation of conservatism in such stark terms comes from the way it makes others’ suffering small. I’ve never met any conservative who didn’t blink and look away when faced with uncomfortable suffering - and that seems to be intrinsic to a conservative view of the world.
which is weird when you consider Republicans were originally the liberals and the radicals.
Magnetic poles reverse too.
true, although in america they did not reverse, they are now just right wing conservatives (dems) and even whiter wing conservatives (reps), with an odd handful of radicals outliers.

JimmyB (he/him) hat dies geteilt

Reagan - was he a fascist? He was definitely conservative but hard to call him a fascist. And yet he did profoundly evil things - routinely
I don't think this is about the inability to comprehend that there are gradations of evil in the world. I think this is at least in part the moral decision that some people take that they simply will not vote for ANY evil.

In other words sometimes the choices are so onerous they are impossible to make. If someone were to say "take this gun and kill one of your two children and if you don't kill one of them we will kill both", what would YOU do?
I already made the terrible choice, as endless people have done before me when voting (or choosing not to). Someone is going to get elected, and whether we vote or not, we are responsible for that result. I don’t know of a president that doesn’t have blood on his hands, that was a “pure” choice. Bc even the blessed Jimmy Carter had that burden to bear, ie funding and arming Indonesia and the genocide of East Timor.
all fine - but the bit I am seriously objecting to is Dems saying that your position (you have to vote for someone; not voting is still voting in fact) means you have to vote Dem and that not voting Dem is morally wrong.
Not voting is always wrong. In this example, not voting for Democrats is selfish beyond words. Enjoy your emperor.
To quote Caitlin Johnston - "The only real solution to the trolley problem is to find and kill the prick who keeps tying people to trolley tracks and making people choose which ones die."


JimmyB (he/him) hat dies geteilt

Indeed. Like most Americans who refuse to choose between the lesser of two evils.

No Kobayashi Maru

JimmyB (he/him) hat dies geteilt

I agree with you; Carter & E. Timor is a good example of your principal of imperfect leadership.

Where we differ is your contention that voting or not voting makes you equally responsible for the actions of the leader of your country, especially in the U.S. when the popular vote winner loses the election.

I don't beleive for a moment that the people who refused to vote in sham Russian elections, for example, are as responsible as Putin's supporters.
Russian elections truly are a sham. No one else can be elected except Putin. Here, we had a choice. Voting and not voting actually did affect the result. Which is why many people are so passionate about it, and why there is voter suppression and election interference. If it didn’t matter, no one would bother. Democracy is so valued that people attempt to run for office in
Russia, even knowing they can’t win and it will likely get them killed.
Yes here we have a choice. Usually it is a choice between two pro-capitalist, anti-environmentalists. I guess you think voting for the lesser of two evils is essential. I tend not to think that way and evidentally the majority of eligable voters agree with me. I think our elections are closer to Russian and Iranian on the "sham spectrum" than are the elections in true multi-party democracies like in Western Europe.
The majority of voters decided to vote. Because as we are already seeing, voting matters. It is not nearly as free and fair as it should be, but it’s not a sham. That’s why people are still voting, and putting up various ballot initiatives that also prove voting matters. States that have decriminalized marijuana and abortion, for a couple examples. Voting in the local elections as well. It’s so important. I can see why many get discouraged, but it all matters.
I believe the majority of eligible voters chose once again NOT to vote in 2024.

Yes, voting matters, just as your response or lack of response to ALL forms of coercion matters.

You think its wrong to abstain from voting because you think voting for the lesser evil is essential. Other people think acquiescing to any evil is immoral. I understand both perspectives and I don't tell people they are wrong either way they chose.

JimmyB (he/him) hat dies geteilt

> The majority of voters decided to vote.

Trump picked up ¾ million more votes than what he had in 2020. Kamala lost ~10—11 million votes that previously went to Biden in 2020. Taking this math into account, 9+ million decided not to vote (which surprised me b/c voter reg surged when Kamala announced she was running).

The conversation here is fixated on Palestine. But it seems to be widely accepted that voters #1 issue was the economy. Kamala lost votes because people were not convinced that she would improve the price of eggs and oil (or whatever) over Biden.

Dems are lazy as fuck voters. But I am surprised that the threat of a Trump POTUS was not in itself intense motivation to vote. But it turns out selfishness prevailed and the *perception* that Trump would be better for jobs and inflation (the very same reason Hitler got elected… the nazi party was seen as being better for jobs).

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JimmyB (he/him) hat dies geteilt