« Those who trust develop a finer sense for the good, even at the hight cost of blighted hopes. Charmed by the spell of love, faith is, as it were, imposed upon their heart. »
― Abraham Joshua Heschel
🔗 · https://poligraf.tumblr.com/post/772412147467730944/those-who-trust-develop-a-finer-sense-for-the
#quotes #AbrahamJoshuaHeschel #faith #soul #heart #love #trust #good
― Abraham Joshua Heschel
🔗 · https://poligraf.tumblr.com/post/772412147467730944/those-who-trust-develop-a-finer-sense-for-the
#quotes #AbrahamJoshuaHeschel #faith #soul #heart #love #trust #good
Poligraf · The Artistic Impulse
Those who trust develop a finer sense for the good, even at the hight cost of blighted hopes. Charmed by the spell of love, faith is, as it were, imposed upon their heart. — Abraham Joshua Heschelpoligraf (Tumblr)