Speaking of my favorite #fictional #bear, Paddington this lil muffin is so cute
To learn more about real bears and shoutouts to our fav. fictional bears, check out our newest #podcast: https://starrytimepodcast.podbean.com/e/asterism-bear-creature-corner-plus/
#Cute #Dogs #Costume #PaddingtonBear #ursa #Fiction #Characters

To learn more about real bears and shoutouts to our fav. fictional bears, check out our newest #podcast: https://starrytimepodcast.podbean.com/e/asterism-bear-creature-corner-plus/
#Cute #Dogs #Costume #PaddingtonBear #ursa #Fiction #Characters
Asterism: Bear Creature Corner Plus | Starry Time
Join Jordan and Kit as they head to Creature Corner to explore the fascinating world of bears and to share their favorite fictional bears! Episode transcripts: https://www.starrytimepodcast.com/episode-transcripts Website: https://www.starrytimepodcast.podbean.com