This is a library. Of course, Cathy is NOT allowed to talk about her ferrets (fascinating as that could be... I mean NINE ferrets? But I digress) because then she would disturb the peace and quiet inside the library by making the patrons laugh.
A) ferrets are always funny. B) Libraries are some of the last places you can go when you want peace and quiet.
Oh, I am not worried about Cathy, she is a professional! I am worried about the laughter from the patrons when they learn the names of the nine ferrets.
I hope Cathy knows that ferrets are illegal in California and that she'll be getting a visit from a man in Black and a game warden real soon now. I also hope she doesn't find the tracker glued to her car.
Parade du Grotesque 💀 •
A) ferrets are always funny.
B) Libraries are some of the last places you can go when you want peace and quiet.
Parade du Grotesque 💀 •
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