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I'm saddened to report this got a look of confusion from my undergrads during the lecture on color theory this week.

#rodstewart #colortheory #color #humor #humour #funny #pun #puns
black and white image of rod stewart, labelled: Rod Stewart

color image of rod stewart labelled: Cone Stewart
Poop. I'd have laughed.
ha ha ha ha ha yes that makes sense
Well I didn't laugh out loud, but it made me smile.

So that's a win.
@wendypalmer It may me happy at least.
I think it's great! Carry on internet stranger.
top quality, you need better students.
I am really trying to get this but as usual my #autism is preventing me from getting the joke (and yes I do know who Rod Steward is)
I'm new here and your post was one of the first I saw. Made me smile. Also, I teach undergrads too so I feel you pain on failed memes in the classroom. Happens to me daily.
yesterday, I introduced my students to the 1983 movie "Trading Places" to wrap up a module on perfect competition in microeconomics - there is actually a section of Dodd-Frank called the Eddie Murphy rule as a result of the movie! None of them had seen it 🥺
Every semester, I share a scene from The Matrix to make a point about education (when he's "learning" jujitsu by having it downloaded into his brain). This year, about two out of 25 students saw the original Matrix. :(
One can hope it's but youthful folly
I routinely get groans or blank stares. This one got blank stares today and it made me sad.

This is a jewel for an optical engineer
my wife teaches Sensation and Perception and this will definitely make it into a lecture
It took me a minute but this is a good dad joke 😆
shouldn't Cone Stewart be less detailed?
I'll never *see* him the same way again.
@tewha Those darn young Turks!
Hey I'm just a stupid mechanic and even I understand it. I t took me a second before I clicked, then it was worthy of a chuckle 😁

I may have a broad range of knowledge though.
You know how people say when you have to explain a joke, the joke isn't funny. Well, I did a Google search about rods and cones. I learned something new and then laughed! I appreciated the experience.
Dang! I always mix those two up with Eardrum Stewart and Eustacian Tube Stewart.
incredible work
@podfeet I’ve never seen color, and I think that’s funny. :)
@steve you’re a good Stewart of this content.

Do you have a recording to share?
That is a perfect dadjoke tragically wasted upon the youth.

Casting your pearls...
@dgar Here's another one for your collection!
I'm teaching light to my y9s as their next topic, wondering if any of them might get it once we've done the eyes? Probably not, I suppose...
Can I use this in my lecture notes? (with attribution)
Reminds me of Samuel D Jackson: https://www.chemscrapes.net/single-post/enantiomers
oh god. at first i thot geometry and didn't get it. but then...
Here's a video about human color perception that talks a bit about the differing functions of rods and cones:

@markarayner @niamhgarvey
oooh, see how many A&P students get it! 🤣
Doesn't matter. You have helpful captions.

The joke is about knowing Rod is a name and a part of the eye. You don't have to know that particular Rod.
Did some of them groan in agony? That deserves points too, of course.
Clearly, they didn't know Every Picture Tells a Story. 😃
It's disconcerning too. When I first started teaching in the early 2000s, I remember my first crash-and-burn reference, it was from Friends. I told my class it was a "Moo Point," like a Cow's opinion, and they all just stared at me. That was nearly 20 years ago. Now, I'm not old. I'm ancient.
Sadly, it took me a second, but it's been years since I learned that stuff.
People from France not knowing this man: “it’s Christophe Dechavanne”.
did they at least tilt their heads to the side like doggos? :)
I think it's because Cone Stewart has too much resolution
I LOLled, but am confused why anyone would want to do that to his own hair.
I couldn't help myself.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (10 Monate her)
If it's any consolation, I think what you're seeing is not that you're getting old, but that the Monoculture is dying. I'm pretty sure that the Monoculture still remembers as far as the '60s fondly, with Rod Stewart's music still being played on the radio and his name being the question or answer in TV quizzes. But I guess people born in about 2006 (making them younger than YouTube) could well have grown up largely outside the Monoculture.
I made a joke about 42 last week that fell completely flat and I discovered to my horror that they had never heard of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.
They do not deserve you.
Took me a while, and I'm old enough to know Rod Stewart. But as a non-native speaker I needed a few seconds to remember the English words for Stäbchen and Zapfen.
I love this. I would put it into my colour theory lecture, but given the average age of my students, it would be crickets for sure.
That reminds me of this thing I made. Not sure how to caption it for best effect, since only Luminosity Jackman is really recognisable…
A triptych of images, all technically the same photo of Hugh Jackman—but the left one is the Hue channel, the middle is the Saturation channel, and the right one is the Luminosity. Due to the way we perceive detail, the Luminosity image is the clearest rendition of the original photo.