"“The entire neo-Nazi movement seems to be eating it up,” says Nick Martin, an investigative journalist who closely tracks extremist groups and runs the online publication The Informant. “He gave two unmistakable Nazi salutes and they got the message loud and clear.”
“WE ARE FUCKING BACK” the administrator of a Nazi meme channel on Telegram wrote under a clip of Musk giving the salute. Members of the group responded with the lightning bolt emoji, a well-known neo-Nazi reference to the SS.
“I don’t care if this was a mistake, I’m going to enjoy the tears over it,” Christopher Pohlhaus, the leader of the American neo-Nazi group Blood Tribe, wrote on his Telegram channel under a gif of the Musk salute.
Keith Woods, a prominent far-right influencer from Ireland who has repeatedly praised Musk, responded to the actions by writing on X: “OK maybe woke really is dead.”"
#USA #Trump #Musk #Nazism #NeoNazis
“WE ARE FUCKING BACK” the administrator of a Nazi meme channel on Telegram wrote under a clip of Musk giving the salute. Members of the group responded with the lightning bolt emoji, a well-known neo-Nazi reference to the SS.
“I don’t care if this was a mistake, I’m going to enjoy the tears over it,” Christopher Pohlhaus, the leader of the American neo-Nazi group Blood Tribe, wrote on his Telegram channel under a gif of the Musk salute.
Keith Woods, a prominent far-right influencer from Ireland who has repeatedly praised Musk, responded to the actions by writing on X: “OK maybe woke really is dead.”"
#USA #Trump #Musk #Nazism #NeoNazis
Neo-Nazis Love the Nazi-Like Salutes Elon Musk Made at Trump’s Inauguration
The far right is celebrating what it views as a clear signal from the X owner and Donald Trump associate, who made the gestures onstage Monday.David Gilbert (WIRED)