If you need to convince someone to choose Mastodon over Bluesky
Share this excellent article by @philjreese with them: https://phillipjreese.com/the-social-network-that-cant-sell-out-understanding-mastodon-vs-bluesky/
#Mastodon #Fediverse #Bluesky

Share this excellent article by @philjreese with them: https://phillipjreese.com/the-social-network-that-cant-sell-out-understanding-mastodon-vs-bluesky/
#Mastodon #Fediverse #Bluesky
The Social Network That Can't Sell Out: Understanding Mastodon vs. Bluesky - phillipjreese.com
As users flee from Twitter/X, two visions of social media's future compete: Mastodon's community-controlled network versus Bluesky's venture-backed promises.phillipjreese@gmail.com (phillipjreese.com)