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#fediverse disaster

Half of my friends are banned on one server, half on the other, #500characters = 9lines of text - ridiculous.

I can't see #diaspora, #friendica can see #mastodon but mastodon doesn't see friendica

In general decentralizing an oligarchic corporate medium means many little dictators can practice #censorship without criteria or limits, while the majority can not afford or manage a server.

I give it a few years of #ghetto development before it implodes
Then there is the US/English PC language riot police creating a greenhouse/concentration camp excluding "foreign influence" who may not be up to date to the latest trend of US PC riot police doctrine ..

Just like the US left is isolated from the world, US progressive/left #fediverse communities are very hostile and intolerant to non-US native speakers. (need I characterize the action?)

#Americanization of the #Left
so does this mean there can never be a fediverse ?
Unless those entities that are federated can come up with a plan and an ongoing active organization on common set rules of how servers are run, solid criteria for censorship, and a judicial arm that users can rely for justice, it is just individualistic injustice and dictatorial rule under the preface of "federation".

Federation of dictators that non-dictators tend to tolerate in the name of holly loose federation.
Google, Facebook, TwitX, etc. have very concrete set rules on censorship and rejection of membership.

In #fediverse there is very loose agreement between individual/team "private owners" who can do whatever they like with their shop and "private property".

How can private property attitude and public forum of progressive character sign a living agreement, I don't know. It is a plan for disaster.

There is starbucks, and then there are many little coffee shops owned by X Y Z

Despite of our willingness to go thirsty or coffee-less and stay in the park or plaza, the virtual world provides no such free open public place for gathering. Real world is converging to virtual rapidly.

30-40 years ago people met and discussed things in newsgroups under the hierarchy rec... before even browsing was possible. It had a more free and tolerating character then. But the public was also of a tiny group mostly academic, no kids to offend, no corporations to harm

the little coffee shops can operate as we have a system of rules to make sure the coffee is safe to drink and the shop is safe to sit in. That was developed over time. We need a similar set of rules for these new virtual coffee shops.

A lot of the rules we already have apply. Libel fraud abuse etc....

I like the Starbucks coffee shop idea. Exactly what I meant.
Only more pathogens can grow within an environment of pathogeny, that is private ownership.

Health can only be achieved by freeing ourselves from the pathogenic environment of property and exchange. And since there will never be a public free open internet we can only do it in physical material life, among those who are consciously and actively pursuing solutions.

In other words, we can't change the system from within the halls of the system. The street is still ours.

