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Beiträge, die mit Antiwar getaggt sind

All of #Trump supporters' reasons for supporting Trump are invalidated by his positions on #Israel.
"He puts America first" he puts Israel first.
"He's making peace" he's assisting Israel's mass murder and tyranny.
"He supports free speech" but not speech which criticizes Israel.

#hypocrisy #freespeech #AmericaFirst #USPol #Politics #Palestine #Genocide #Antiwar
@palestine group @israel group

All of #Trump supporters' reasons for supporting Trump are invalidated by his positions on #Israel.
"He puts America first" he puts Israel first.
"He's making peace" he's assisting Israel's mass murder and tyranny.
"He supports free speech" but not speech which criticizes Israel.

#hypocrisy #freespeech #AmericaFirst #USPol #Politics #Palestine #Genocide #Antiwar

As he was leaving Independence Hall after the Constitutional Convention, Benjamin Franklin was asked by Elizabeth Willing Powell, “Doctor, what have we got? A republic or a monarchy?”

His reply: “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

Dennis Kucinich says Ur losing what's left of it.

It also sounds like he might consider a 2028 presidential run. He always was; is, #AntiWar

"The Cost of Freedom" ( includes giving most of your treasury to the military and it's industry bffs)

From November 2021... "This investigation by Alan Macleod delves into Tulsi Gabbard’s political metamorphosis—from self-proclaimed anti-war progressive to champion of military intervention. Given her recent confirmation as Director of National Intelligence, we are republishing the piece..."

From #AntiWar #Progressive to Pro-Drone #Militarist: #TulsiGabbard’s Odd Political Trajectory


An incredibly valid point…

“He says the general public was more engaged w/the #vietnam #peace movement due to the draft: “W/the
so-called #volunteer #army it’s really a kind of economic #draft. Guys have said to me…

‘if the draft still existed & #middleclass #kids might have to fight, then the #antiwar movement would be a lot more robust’.”



Irish President Michael D Higgins drew special attention to the wars in Gaza, Ukraine and Sudan in his Christmas message.

#Ireland #AntiWar #Christmas #Message #President #MichaelHiggins #War #Gaza #Ukraine #Sudan

Petition: Joint Resolutions of Disapproval to stop a $20 billion weapons shipment approved by the Biden administration.


#Gaza #antiwar

Imagine if CodePink had more than just a few hundred activists.

The only true antiwar group in the US who wasn't a front for DNC or other groups like MoveOn .

They are hated by both republicans and democrats who are more loyal to Israel than their own country.

#CodePink #Israel #Politics #AIPAC #AntiWar #USpol #Genocide @palestine group

This SHOULD BE WORDED "ALL 'soldiers bringing wartime violence back'.", but "Russia"... and @BBCNews #Propaganda😎

#Russia's soldiers bringing wartime violence back

https://wwhomew.bbc.com/news/articles/c1e7vl01gngo #antiwar

Got that? If you support the #Zionists #Colonialism squatters committing #Genocide in #Palestine, you LOSE any #AntiWar creds you MIGHT have THOUGHT you had.

"Supporting #Israel necessarily means supporting endless western military interventionism in the #middleeast..."

"To Be Pro-Israel Is To Be Pro-War" – #CaitlinJohnstone

https://caitlinjohnstone.com.au/2024/11/13/to-be-pro-israel-is-to-be-pro-war/ @palestine @israel