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Beiträge, die mit Auschwitz80 getaggt sind

Not blocking eveyone:

The screenshot below is taken from https://mastodon.world/@auschwitzmuseum/113809844147896003 and the topmost reply.

See my explanation in https://infosec.exchange/@ErikvanStraten/113806514477624693 https://infosec.exchange/@ErikvanStraten/113696893677268390

Please stop the REPEATED ABUSE of victims of WWII for Israeli propaganda!

#Auschwitz80 #NeverSayNeverAgain #ProGenocide #Hypocrisy #WWIIGenocide #GazaGenocide #Gaza #Westbank #Lebanon #Syria
At the top, the Alt text of an image in https://mastodon.world/@auschwitzmuseum/113809844147896003 is visible.

The reply from contrasocial @contrasocial@mastodon.social (EN) thai I boosted, reads:


Hopefully it can serve as a reminder to current generations not to remain silent when genocide is being committed against living people today.

Particularly to those with the platforms that potentially have global reach. It would be a crime against these dead to avoid that charge.

Never again, to anyone, anywhere.