Beiträge, die mit ProGenocide getaggt sind
‘Hound Them Everywhere They Go!’ - Journalist Max Blumenthal
Katie talks to journalist Max Blumenthal about how Anthony Blinken and the U.S. State Department enabled Israel's war and blocked ceasefire talks, and the need to demolish the legacy of the pro-genocide Biden administration. "God willing, Tony Blinken will not be able to cross the street again.”
#Blinken #Biden #WarCrimes #ProGenocide #Israel #Blumenthal #Evidence #RegimeChange #Taxpayers
Katie talks to journalist Max Blumenthal about how Anthony Blinken and the U.S. State Department enabled Israel's war and blocked ceasefire talks, and the need to demolish the legacy of the pro-genocide Biden administration. "God willing, Tony Blinken will not be able to cross the street again.”
#Blinken #Biden #WarCrimes #ProGenocide #Israel #Blumenthal #Evidence #RegimeChange #Taxpayers
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Cory Doctorow's enshittification
Unfortunately I just had to block Cory Doctorow - because he boosted a toot by the selectively pro-genocide Auschwitz Memorial (aka AM aka Auschwitz Museum).
IMO, *in particular* an organization like the AM should *UNCONDITIONALLY* be anti-genocide. They're not.
From (the bottom of)
Threatened in its existence, the State of Israel has the right to self-defense in accordance with international law and the principles of humanitarianism. The existence of a free, sovereign, and democratic Jewish State is one of the pillars of world peace.
The unimaginable hatred and violence perpetrated by terrorists only results in extensive and more widespread suffering – affecting also the civilian population of Gaza, whom Hamas exploits as human shields.
More info in
#Sickening #HolocaustAbuse #Propaganda #ProGenocide #Auschwitz80 #AuschwitzMemorial #AuschwitzMuseum #AIPAC #IDF #IDFTerrorists #IsraeliDestructionForces #Doctorow #CoryDoctorow #Enshittification #Complicit #GazaGenocide #Gaza #Westbank #Lebanon #Syria #ICJisRight #ICCisRight #FrancescaAlbaneseIsRight
Unfortunately I just had to block Cory Doctorow - because he boosted a toot by the selectively pro-genocide Auschwitz Memorial (aka AM aka Auschwitz Museum).
IMO, *in particular* an organization like the AM should *UNCONDITIONALLY* be anti-genocide. They're not.
From (the bottom of)
Threatened in its existence, the State of Israel has the right to self-defense in accordance with international law and the principles of humanitarianism. The existence of a free, sovereign, and democratic Jewish State is one of the pillars of world peace.
The unimaginable hatred and violence perpetrated by terrorists only results in extensive and more widespread suffering – affecting also the civilian population of Gaza, whom Hamas exploits as human shields.
More info in
#Sickening #HolocaustAbuse #Propaganda #ProGenocide #Auschwitz80 #AuschwitzMemorial #AuschwitzMuseum #AIPAC #IDF #IDFTerrorists #IsraeliDestructionForces #Doctorow #CoryDoctorow #Enshittification #Complicit #GazaGenocide #Gaza #Westbank #Lebanon #Syria #ICJisRight #ICCisRight #FrancescaAlbaneseIsRight
Erik van Straten (
The Auschwitz Memorial (aka Auschwitz Museum) continuously broadcasts toots reminding viewers of the horrific crimes committed by nazis in concentration camps roughly 80 years ago (as can be seen in https://mastodon.Infosec Exchange
Not blocking eveyone:
The screenshot below is taken from and the topmost reply.
See my explanation in
Please stop the REPEATED ABUSE of victims of WWII for Israeli propaganda!
#Auschwitz80 #NeverSayNeverAgain #ProGenocide #Hypocrisy #WWIIGenocide #GazaGenocide #Gaza #Westbank #Lebanon #Syria
The screenshot below is taken from and the topmost reply.
See my explanation in
Please stop the REPEATED ABUSE of victims of WWII for Israeli propaganda!
#Auschwitz80 #NeverSayNeverAgain #ProGenocide #Hypocrisy #WWIIGenocide #GazaGenocide #Gaza #Westbank #Lebanon #Syria
Auschwitz Memorial (
Attached: 1 image We expect that some 50 Auschwitz Survivors will come to the Memorial to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the liberation, which will be held in front of the main gate of the former Auschwitz II-Birkenau camp.Mastodon
Goh, Nieuwsuur vond kennelijk dat ze toch een keer aandacht aan Gaza moesten schenken.
Kindertjes met nog alle ledematen die hun problemen wegtekenen en kleuren.
NIETS over wie die trauma's veroorzaakt en NIETS over het feit dat de Nederlandse overheid, maar zeker ook Nieuwsuur en de NOS medeplichtig zijn aan GENOCIDE.
#VukNieuwsuur #ProZionisme #ProGenocide #VukDeNOS #Nieuwsuur #NOS #Gaza #GazaGenocide
Kindertjes met nog alle ledematen die hun problemen wegtekenen en kleuren.
NIETS over wie die trauma's veroorzaakt en NIETS over het feit dat de Nederlandse overheid, maar zeker ook Nieuwsuur en de NOS medeplichtig zijn aan GENOCIDE.
#VukNieuwsuur #ProZionisme #ProGenocide #VukDeNOS #Nieuwsuur #NOS #Gaza #GazaGenocide
Schildertherapie voor kinderen in Gaza: 'Ze hebben een omhelzing nodig'
Volgens de VN hebben bijna alle kinderen in Gaza mentale zorg nodig als gevolg van trauma's die ze hebben opgelopen tijdens de oorlog. Kunstenares Maysa Yousef biedt kinderen daarom schildertherapie op de ruïnes van haar vroegere