Beiträge, die mit CAPITALISTS getaggt sind
And remember folks, many so-called #ProgLibs #Democrats are really, as #Obama claimed to be himself, "Moderate #Republicans... ie. Moderate #Fascists.
"When you understand that the #DemocraticParty is NOT a leftist party, but a right-wing #capitalists party and the #RepublicanParty is a far-right #neofascists party then you realize why every piece of legislation and bailout in Washington DC ALWAYS puts corporations over people." -Ryan Knight 2:33 PM 23 Dec 20
"When you understand that the #DemocraticParty is NOT a leftist party, but a right-wing #capitalists party and the #RepublicanParty is a far-right #neofascists party then you realize why every piece of legislation and bailout in Washington DC ALWAYS puts corporations over people." -Ryan Knight 2:33 PM 23 Dec 20
Just the fact that there are "Rich Russians" says everything you need to know about #Russia's perverse reversion to a #CAPITALISTS economy. Similarly #China. #Lenin and #Mao are rolling in their graves.
Partial text in alt. In full here
Partial text in alt. In full here
After reading a few things today that drove me a bit batty with missing the point, the enemy is not "capitalism". Capitalism is an idea. It has no agency. The enemy are the people who inflict it upon us.
And they have names and addresses.
Remember that.
#capitalism #capitalists #DirectAction #EatTheRich
And they have names and addresses.
Remember that.
#capitalism #capitalists #DirectAction #EatTheRich