Beiträge, die mit Care getaggt sind
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Institutionalised cuelty and mistreatment. No wonder people increasingly fear old age and incapacity.
And in England (well the UK as they control all of us at the moment), Labour acquiesce in lonely painful lives and deaths.
#UkPolitics #Health #Care #Society #Neglewct #Abuse
People who really do something! Most politicians (just as an example) should hang their heads in shame. They won’t of course. In the absence of power they will just grab the money….
#Care #Respect #Worthwhile #Fostering #Children
#luigimangione #brianthompson #brianthompsonshooting #obamacare #care #sante #economy #politics #usa #sante #politique #propagandeparlefait #misere #corruption #technofeudalism #Technofeodalisme #capitalism #resistance #strategy #strategie #extremedroite #amerique #etatsunis #faillite #exploitation #mafia #maladie #illness #wanted #violence #violencesociale #medicalbankruptcy #banqueroute #systemedesante #securitesociale #pcf #ambroisecroizat #communism #communisme
États-Unis : Luigi Mangione, nouveau héros d'une Amérique révoltée
Brian Thompson, PDG d’UnitedHealthcare - la plus grande société d’assurance privée de santé des États-Unis -, a été assassiné à New York le 4 dé
Of course, Wales has already moved to shift provision to not-for-profit providers for the same reasons, so England currently looks behind the curve on this.
#children #care
h/t FT
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