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Beiträge, die mit ChronicallyIll getaggt sind

i found this on tumblr, so accurate tbh

#ableism #disabled #chronicallyill #chronicpain #chronicfatigue #actuallyautistic #neurodivergent

i am 'not disabled enough' for the judicial system but for my doctors i am 'too disabled or the right amount of disabled', no wonder i had to find a lawyer
[ID: Venn Diagram of “Not Disabled Enough” and “Too Disabled” overlapping with a thin slice of “Right amount of disabled.” There’s points alongside ranging as a scale.

Not Disabled Enough:

    Thrown off benefits
    Dying after being deemed fit to work
    Seen as scrounger 
    No suitable or accessible jobs

Right amount of disabled:

    Inspiration porn

Too Disabled:

    No ventilator if you catch Covid
    Social care cuts
    Independence thwarted
    Seen as burden
    “There’s always assisted dying”

/end ID]