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Beiträge, die mit HAITI getaggt sind

█ 15 anys després del terratrèmol d'Haití, una segona generació d'infants té el futur amenaçat ▓▒░ Save the Children alerta que els nens nascuts després del sisme del 2010 són presoners de la violència, la inestabilitat i la precarietat, que dificulten el seu accés a l'educació

#324cat #haiti
Tres nens descansen a l'interior de les ruïnes del Teatre Rex de Port-au-Prince a Haití, destruït al terratrèmol del 2010 (EFE/Johnson Sabin)
El govern haitià s'ha marcat com a prioritat per al 2025 el restabliment de la seguretat nacional i utilitza carros blindats per combatre els grups armats (EFE/Johnson Sabin)
Els nens nascuts a Port-au-Prince, a Haití, després del sisme del 2010 són presoners de la violència, la inestabilitat i la precarietat, que dificulten el seu accés a l'educació; segons alerta Save the Children (EFE/Johnson Sabin)

15 Jahre nach dem Beben in Haiti herrschen Chaos und Gewalt

Vor genau 15 Jahren wurde Haiti vom schwersten Beben in der Geschichte Nord- und Südamerikas erschüttert. Mehr als 200.000 Menschen starben, fast zwei Millionen wurden obdachlos. Heute versinkt das Land in Chaos und Gewalt. Von A. Hanke.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/amerika/haiti-erdbeben-jahrestag-100.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

#Haiti #Erdbeben

15th anniversary of earthquake that rendered Clinton Global Initiative so rich & Haiti so poor. We demand that
Bill Clinton who was Lord over billion$ collected in the name of Black Haitians be forced to answer why there is no sign such $ ever made it to #haiti



> “The two main criminals are France and the US. They owe Haiti enormous reparations.. we could ever get to the stage where somebody could say, ‘We’re sorry we did it,’ ... To become minimally civilized, we would have to say, ‘We carried out and benefited from vicious crimes... against #Haiti, and the US gained as well. Therefore we are going to pay reparations to the Haitian people. Then you will see the beginnings of civilization.” — #NoamChomsky
#GrantInskeep #uspol

Central American troops arrive in Haiti to reinforce mission to restore order
About 150 military police officers from Central America have arrived in Haiti to reinforce the embattled government's fight against violent gangs.
#politics #military #crime #Haiti #CentralAmerica

This one’s for you Marco Rubio 🖕Imperialist scum.

This is what solidarity between countries looks like.

60+ years of a US economic embargo on the people of Cuba

The genocide-supporting US empire hates this sort of solidarity BIG TIME. We need MORE of this.✊




China to introduce standard guidelines for identifying low-income residents
Updated: December 31, 2024 07



"BLM 2024 Year In Review: Global Events & Insights"

(Black Liberation Media formerly known as Black Power Media.)


#Palestine #Haiti #Senegal #BurkinaFaso #Sudan #YearInReview

With a focus on human rights, U.S. policy toward Latin America under Jimmy Carter briefly tempered a long tradition of interventionism in a key sphere of American influence. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2024/12/30/world/politics/jimmy-carter-latin-america/?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=mastodon #worldnews #politics #jimmycarter #us #latinamerica #centralamerica #caribbean #cuba #panama #haiti #panamacanal

A wounded journalist makes a phone call from the floor of the general hospital. Two reporters and a police officer were killed when gangs opened fire on reporters who had gathered for a press conference to announce its reopening in Port-au-Prince, #Haiti

Photograph: Jean Feguens Regala/AP


Two journalists and a police officer killed in gang attack on Haiti's largest public hospital - YouTube


Three shot dead at hospital reopening in Haiti

A gang alliance in Haiti claimed responsibility on Wednesday for the attack at the country's largest hospital in Port-au-Prince in which two journalists and a policeman were shot dead.


#Haiti #HaitiNews #Haiti #News

Raoul Peck raconte Ernest Cole, le photographe de l’apartheid https://www.bondyblog.fr/opinions/interview/raoul-peck-raconte-ernest-cole-le-photographe-de-lapartheid/ #anti-colonialisme #Afriquedusud #colonialisme #photographie #ernestcole #Interview #apartheid #raoulpeck #Histoire #haïti

Deaths as armed men fire on Haiti hospital reopening - witness

Armed attackers have opened fire on a group gathered for a press conference to announce the reopening of Haiti's largest public hospital, a witness to the attack says.


#Haiti #HaitiNews #Haiti #News

West Asian refugees, Congolese refugees, Sudanese refugees, Hatian refugees and many more are all welcome here.


Haiti’s children ‘dragged into hell’ as gang violence rages - YouTube


The collapse of order in #Haiti is so catastrophic, Human Rights Watch is calling on the UN Security Council to authorize and deploy a full-fledged UN mission to the country urgently.

This is not something we do everywhere every day, particularly when it involves a country like Haiti with a troubled history of past UN missions.

So, in my Daily Brief today, I go through our reasoning.

📰 Read: https://www.hrw.org/the-day-in-human-rights/2024/12/11?story=paragraph-9931

🔊 Listen: https://www.hrw.org/video-photos/audio/2024/12/11/countering-collapse-haiti-daily-brief-11-december-2024

A man carrying his belongings observes the wreckages of vehicles burnt over the weekend by armed gangs, many grouped behind an alliance known as Viv Ansanm, as he flees the Poste Marchand suburb, in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. REUTERS/Ralph Tedy Erol


Haiti gang kills 110 people leader accused of witchcraft


Gang leader in Haiti accused of massacring older people to avenge son's death
A gang leader who controls a key port in Haiti's capital is accused of massacring older people and Vodou religious leaders in his community to avenge his son's death, according to the government and human rights organizations that estimate more than 100 killed.
#crime #violence #justice #Haiti

Gang leader in Haiti accused of massacring older people to avenge son's death
A gang leader who controls a key port in Haiti's capital is accused of massacring older people and Vodou religious leaders in his community to avenge his son's death, according to the government and human rights organizations that estimate more than 100 killed.
#crime #violence #politics #Haiti

Immer wieder erlebe ich ungläubiges Staunen, wenn ich darauf hinweise, dass auch der Verschwörungsmythos der #Hexerei wieder (wie schon nach dem Buchdruck) medial befeuert / neu thymotisiert wird… Heute #Haiti: Nach Hexerei-Vorwurf: Mindestens 110 Tote bei Massaker in Elendsviertel in Haiti 🇭🇹 https://www.tagesspiegel.de/internationales/nach-hexerei-vorwurf-mindestens-110-tote-bei-massaker-in-elendsviertel-in-haiti-12842546.html

In Haiti, a gang carried out a mass killing, murdering at least 110 people. The leader of the gang was suspected of using witchcraft against his child, leading to the massacre. Gang members killed at least 60 people on December 6 and 50 people on December 7 using machetes and knives, all victims were over 60 years old. #Haiti #MassKilling

The UN Security Council should urgently authorize and rapidly deploy a full-fledged UN mission to #Haiti.

Human Rights Watch makes the case in a new briefing paper released today:



#Gaza #Palestine #Genocide #Syria #Lebanon #antiwar #peace #riseup #Haiti #Congo

Reading that it was mostly elderly folks. 😢 #Haiti


Rise up, fallen fighters
Rise and take your stance again
'Tis he who fight and run away
Live to fight another day
. . .

As a man sow, shall he reap
And I know that talk is cheap
But the hotter the battle
Ah, the sweeter Jah victory.


#Gaza #Palestine #Genocide #antiwar #peace #imperialism #riseup #Syria #Lebanon #Africa #Sudan #Congo #Haiti #SouthKorea #Georgia

Haiti gang massacres at least 110 elderly people in Cité Soleil over alleged witchcraft

A gang leader ordered the massacre of at least 110 people in Haiti's Cité Soleil slum over the weekend after a voudou priest accused elderly people in the area of having practiced witchcraft against the leader's child, the National Human Right Defense Network said on Sunday. The crowded slum is one of the poorest and most violent [...]


#Haiti #HaitiNews #Haiti #News