Beiträge, die mit HAITI getaggt sind
Comprehensive guide to mental health support, with resources available for Haitians in Springfield, Columbus, and beyond.
#Haiti #HaitianAmerican
#Haitian #Ohio #Columbus #Springfield
~Jemima Pierre
Guy Philippe was arrested by the U.S. and put in prison for drug trafficking. And we have to understand this, because even during his trial, there are certain things that were kept secret because it implicated the U.S. government. And so, he served six years in prison as a criminal in the U.S., and now the U.S. dumped him in Haiti in November 2023, after serving six years of a nine-year term.
everyone pretends that Haiti — you know, are saying that Haiti is at war, and so on and so forth, but the reality is, Guy Philippe is giving interviews to all the mainstream press. Guy Philippe gives more interviews than the local people who are organizing against repression. We don’t hear them in The Washington Post, but we hear Guy Philippe. But I wonder what the U.S. role is for Guy Philippe right now. And as far as I’m concerned, he should be tried for treason, because he was behind — he worked with the U.S. to actually remove our elected president. And so, we have to be very careful about what the U.S. is bringing, what the mainstream media is bringing to us as real and as the situation, when we know the situation is actually very much controlled by the U.S. and the Core Group when it comes to Haiti."
~Jemima Pierre
The other thing I want to quickly say — I know, in a hurry — is that the people funding these armed groups are part of the oligarchy. And most of the guns and ammunition are coming from the U.S. People must remember that in the late 2022, in early 2023, the Canadian government sanctioned three of the richest oligarchs in Haiti. That’s Gilbert Bigio, Reynold Deeb and Sherif Abdallah. The Canadian government also sanctioned former President Michel Martelly and other — and Laurent Lamothe, his prime minister, all of them because they — for drug trafficking, but also for funding these armed groups. And so, in the news we get, you get these guys that look, you know, like raggedy — ragged and poor, but then the people really funding them, because Haiti does not manufacture guns, are these elites that are behind all the violence. And so I also want to put that into very clear context so that we know that this is a very complex problem that’s very much set up by the 2004 coup, but also perpetuated by the oligarchy and the U.S., which work together to keep Haiti unstable, so that we can say Haiti is ungovernable and we need to come in and save it."
~Jemima Pierre
And the point of this was that this coup d’état, which was led by two permanent members of the U.N. Security Council, was then sanctioned by the U.N. when these same two members of the U.N. Security Council — and that’s the U.S. and France — basically pushed the U.N. Security Council into sending a multinational military force to Haiti armed under Chapter VII deployment. And that itself was illegal, because the original coup d’état was illegal. The U.S. ambassador to Haiti and the deputy ambassador were in the process — they’re the ones that named who the interim president would be, put together a Council of Sages, and basically restructured Haiti’s elected president. And back then we had 7,000 elected officials; today we have zero. And over time, I say Haiti has been under occupation, because it is this military occupation, the MINUSTAH occupation, that went from 2004 to 2007, that established the Core Group, that — it’s an unelected group of Western officials, including Brazil, which led the military arm of the occupation in 2004 under Lula, which led then — which has been controlling all the actions in Haiti, down to naming who the prime minister would be, Ariel Henry, after the assassination of Jovenel Moïse.
I have to quickly say, though, one of the key things that happened is, in 2010, after the earthquake in Haiti that killed hundreds of thousands, when the U.S. pushed the sitting president, René Préval, to have elections — and the WikiLeaks papers revealed to us later that Hillary Clinton actually flew to Haiti and changed the election results, where Michel Martelly of the PHTK political party did not make the first round, but the U.S. forced the Haitian election council to actually make him — put him in the second round. And so, establishing the PHTK, Michel Martelly, a neo-Duvalierist, as Haiti’s president with under 20% of the people voting, with the largest political party in Haiti, Lavalas, not being able to participate, we set the stage for what we see today. "
~Jemima Pierre
~Amy Goodman and Jemima Pierre, The World Is Participating in the Occupation of Haiti Unwittingly, Scholar Says
The World Is Participating in the Occupation of Haiti Unwittingly, Scholar Says
Jemima Pierre says negotiations are happening outside of Haiti today with no real participation from the Haitian masses.Amy Goodman (Truthout)
Radical Resistances: Haiti, Palestine and the Fight Against Empire
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> The government of #Haiti says police have launched a large-scale operation in a shantytown controlled by powerful gang leader Jimmy Chérizier, who is widely known as Barbecue.
> The authorities say several gang members have been killed in the Lower Delmas area of the capital Port-au-Prince.
Haiti police raid gang leader Barbecue's stronghold in capital
Officials say several gang members have been killed in a major police operation in Port-au-Prince.Leonardo Rocha (BBC News)
'Total panic' as USAID cuts jobs from Syria to Haiti
In 2023, USAID spent $42 billion to support programs across 157 countries — ranging from malaria and HIV prevention to fighting starvation and helping those displaced by war.Nita Bhalla (The Japan Times)
#USAID Exported #CIA #Balkans Terror (paid for #Osama-recruited #KLA #Kosovo mercs... essentially #alQaeda) to #Haiti #Destabilization #DestabilizationOperation #Imperialism #alQaeda #terrorists
USAID Exported CIA Balkan Terror to Haiti
This tragic event produced a neverending descent into nightmarish lawlessness, which endures to this day in the
Einem Medienbericht zufolge verüben auf Haiti bewaffnete Banden seit mehreren Tagen Angriffe auf eine Gemeinde. Laut deren Bürgermeister ist die Ortschaft umstellt. Mindestens 40 Menschen sollen bereits getötet worden sein.
#Haiti #Kenscoff
Los jacobinos negros, la revolución de Haití y el fin de la esclavitud
El pasado día 17 de octubre las amigas de Nociones Comunes (Traficantes de Sueños) me invitaron a impartir una charla en el curso La noche de los proletarios, en una sesión que llevaba por título &…Reflexiones & Sediciones
I wrote this article 8 years ago. I described how Haiti is a libertarian heaven.
It still is.
#guerraagaza #dretshumans #israel #xina #russia #haiti #324cat #donaldtrump #gaza #afganistan
#324cat #haiti
Vor genau 15 Jahren wurde Haiti vom schwersten Beben in der Geschichte Nord- und Südamerikas erschüttert. Mehr als 200.000 Menschen starben, fast zwei Millionen wurden obdachlos. Heute versinkt das Land in Chaos und Gewalt. Von A. Hanke.
#Haiti #Erdbeben
#GrantInskeep #uspol
Haiti and American Neocolonialism -
Haiti is best understood in the contexts of the modern world as an American neocolonial protectorate. Besides US policy in Cuba, which includes aGrant Inskeep (
About 150 military police officers from Central America have arrived in Haiti to reinforce the embattled government's fight against violent gangs.
#politics #military #crime #Haiti #CentralAmerica