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Beiträge, die mit OXFORD getaggt sind

A ‘Teleportation’ Breakthrough for Quantum Computing Is Here


A team at the University of Oxford succeeded in getting two quantum processors to connect to each other and transmit the same information using particle entanglement.

#physics #computers #networks #Oxford #UK #press

Oxford Scientists Say They’ve Achieved Quantum Teleportation




The development of a rail corridor serving the globally important hubs of innovation in the region between the university cities of #Oxford and #Cambridge offers the UK rail industry a chance to prove that it can successfully undertake major projects, David Hughes, CEO of project promoter #EastWestRailway Co, tells Railway Gazette International https://www.railwaygazette.com/in-depth/uk-clarity-of-mission-puts-east-west-rail-project-on-track/68251.article

UK economic growth policy goes further and faster for freight http://dlvr.it/THgLRb #EastWestRail #MaggieSimpson #Oxford #Policy

Day 20 of the 2023 #dragonfly #AdventCalendar. Small Red-eyed #Damselfly is one of two UK species with red eyes and blue tails. Both species are often seen sitting on vegetation on the surface of a pond or ditch. It arrived here in 1999 and has spread across most of England & parts of Wales. This one at #Oxford motorway services in August. #Oxfordshire #DragonflyAdventCalendar #wildlife #insects #wildlifephotography #invertebrates
A small needle-shaped insect sits on a lily pad on the surface of a pond. It has red eyes. The top of its thorax and abdomen is black except for a blue band near the tail end. From the side, the thorax and parts of the abdomen are bright blue.