Beiträge, die mit Siri getaggt sind
Apple says Siri isn’t sending your conversations to advertisers
Apple is refuting rumors claiming it’s used Siri recordings to target ads, saying most data is processed on-device, and that if users opt-in to store recordings, those aren’t used for ads.Richard Lawler (The Verge)
Op 29 maart 2025 staan JACK&JOZEF in het Theater
#ad #nrc #vk #podcast #PodcastGemist #JackJozef #talkshow #Temp #Siri #cold #Media #OmroepMax #BNNVARA #weereendag #vandaaginside #TalpaNetwork
JACK&JOZEF - Wat nu weer?
Jack & Jozef staan op 29 maart in het Wennekerpand met hun podcastTheater aan de Schie
The development was first reported by Reuters.
The settlement applies to U.S.-based individuals current or former owners or purchasers of a Siri-enabled device who had their confidential voice communications with the assistant "obtained by Apple and/or were shared with third-parties as a result of an unintended Siri activation" between September 17, 2014, and December 31, 2024.
Eligible individuals can submit claims for up to five Siri devices – iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, MacBook, iMac, HomePod, iPod touch, or Apple TV – on which they claim to have experienced an accidental Siri activation during a conversation intended to be confidential or private. Class members who submit valid claims can receive $20 per device."
#Apple #Siri #Privacy #USA #DataProtection
Yogthos (
1.52K Posts, 1.34K Following, 4.89K Followers · A sentience trapped in a prison of meat. Made in USSR. Capitalismus delendum est! ☭Yuggoth
Apple will pay $95 million to people who were spied on by Siri
Apple and plaintiffs have agreed on a $95 million settlement in a lawsuit over whether it violated privacy laws by recording conversations with Siri.Adi Robertson (The Verge)