Beiträge, die mit PRIVACY getaggt sind
#blog #blogging #tech #infosec #safety #privacy #safety
Identity Theft Mitigation: What You Need to Know Now | Lock Down Your Life
If you’ve seen the headlines you’ve probably heard about data breaches and thought, “There’s 10 other dumpster fires, why does this one matter?” Here's why you should care.lockitdown (Lock Down Your Life)
CSS (also known as Stingrays or IMSI catchers) are devices that masquerade as legitimate cell-phone towers, tricking phones within a certain radius into connecting to the device rather than a tower."
#USA #Surveillance #Cellphones #DigitalRights #Stingrays #IMSICatchers #Privacy #Rayhunter
Meet Rayhunter: A New Open Source Tool from EFF to Detect Cellular Spying
At EFF we spend a lot of time thinking about Street Level Surveillance technologies—the technologies used by police and other authorities to spy on you while you are going about your everyday life—such as automated license plate readers, facial recog…Electronic Frontier Foundation
#ycombinator #dries_depoorter #media #artist #social #dries #depoorter #privacy #surveillance #tinderin #die_with_me #social_media #tinder #linkedin #machine_learning #2024
IT-Security researchers have uncovered a widespread phishing campaign that uses fake CAPTCHA images shared via PDF documents hosted on Webflow's content delivery network (CDN) to deliver the Lumma stealer malware.
#fake #captcha #pdf #phishing #campaign #it #security #privacy #engineer #media #tech #news
Fake CAPTCHAs, Malicious PDFs, SEO Traps Leveraged for User Manual Searches - Netskope
Summary On February 12, 2025, Netskope Threat Labs reported a widespread phishing campaign using fake CAPTCHA images via Webflow CDN to trick victimsJan Michael Alcantara (Netskope)
Which accounts related to the topics of digital rights and online privacy can you recommend?
#privacy #surveillance #datenschutz
🚩Unique identifiers
Apparently Firefox shares unique identifiers for quite a lot of reasons which mostly fail to convince me of their need. There might be legitimate reason, but once again raises more questions than answers. E.g look at the "relevant content and advertising on Firefox New Tab" part. 😩
#Privacy #Tech #OpenSource #Mozilla #Firefox
Sounds reasonable, but 👀 at:
It raises more questions than answers.
In relation to
Why is this applicable for a local app? How will it be enforced? Are there ways to appeal a decision? Who makes the decision? Etc
#Mozilla #Firefox #Privacy #Tech
Does this sound like any Open Source app or organisation that you know? Or does this sound like proprietary software? It begs the question will Firefox remain Open Source?
#Tech #Mozilla #Firefox #OpenSource #CyberSecurity #Privacy #SurveillanceCapitalism
Apple and the long secret arm of the UK Government - European Digital Rights (EDRi)
Apple disabled the advanced data protection service for UK customers after a secret UK Government order demanded access to global user data.European Digital Rights (EDRi)
#bihar #patna #india #news #press #WomensDay #HoliMilan #EmpoweringWomen #CulturalCelebration #HappyFamilyEvent #HonouringWomen #FestiveSpirit #WomenInLeadership #MusicAndDance #CommunityCelebration
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Patna: International Women's Day and Holi Milan Celebration Organised.
The "Happy Family" organisation hosted an International Women's Day and Holi Milan Celebration.Alok Sharma (Aliyesha)
#newdelhi #delhi #india #news #press #politics #bjp #budget #cmrekha
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नई दिल्ली: सरकार बजटीय तैयारियों में जुटी, वादों को पूरा करने की योजना पर मंथन।
खजाना भरने के लिए सभी विभागों ने बजटीय तैयारियां तेज कर दी हैं।दिल्ली ब्यूरो (Aliyesha)
#himachal #dharamshala #india #news #press #governance #drugs #StopDrugTrafficking #DrugFreeHimachal #YouthAgainstDrugs #SayNoToDrugs #HimachalFightsDrugs #EndDrugMenace #SaveOurYouth #DrugAwareness #StrictLawsNow #PublicAction
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Dharamshala: Devbhoomi Kshatriya Organisation and Swarn Morcha Himachal Pradesh Demand Action Against Drug Traffickers.
Local organisations submitted a memorandum to the state government via the Superintendent of Police (SP) Kangra.Rajesh (Aliyesha)
#uttarakhand #dehradun #india #news #press #pmmodi #IncredibleIndia #PMInUttarakhand #tourism
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देहरादून: हर्षिल (उत्तरकाशी) : प्रधानमंत्री के आगमन की तैयारी चाक चौबंद।
प्रधानमंत्री नरेन्द्र मोदी के स्वागत के लिए हर्षिल-मुखवा क्षेत्र पूरी तरह से सज-धज कर तैयार है।प्रेम पंचोली (Aliyesha)
#Firefox #AIChat #privacy #browser #update
#privacy #cybersecurity #scam #blog
Hooked 2.0: How Scams are Evolving & How to Avoid Them
Like most readers who've spent some time online, I've seen my fair share of scams. However, a few weeks ago, a friend sent me a screensho...The New Oil
#punjab #chandigarh #india #news #press #DPS #DelhiPublicSchool #IRIS #ISEF #STEMInnovation
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Chandigarh: DPS Chandigarh’s Suhani Sharma Wins Grand Award at IRIS National Fair 2024-25.
Suhani Sharma, a student of Delhi Public School, Chandigarh, has brought pride to her school and the nation.Dr. Kharbanda (Aliyesha)
#himachal #dharamshala #india #news #press #governance #holi #holi2025 #festival #CulturalHeritage
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Dharamshala: State-Level Holi Festival Preparations Underway in Palampur.
A meeting was organised in Palampur, Kangra district, to discuss preparations for the state-level Holi festival.Rajesh (Aliyesha)
#newdelhi #delhi #india #news #press #weather #rails #himachal #snow #AirQuality
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नई दिल्ली: दिल्ली का मौसम हुआ सुहाना, हिमाचल की बर्फबारी का असर।
पिछले कुछ दिनों से कभी गर्मी बढ़ने लगती है तो अचानक ठंड का अहसास होने लगता है।दिल्ली ब्यूरो (Aliyesha)
#bihar #patna #india #news #press #movies #films #cinema #bhojpuri #AraHileChapraHile #MovieBuzz
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Patna: Shooting of "Ara Hile Chapra Hile" in Full Swing.
The shooting of the new film Ara Hile Chapra Hile, starring the stunning actress Preeti Shukla and Awadhesh Mishra.Alok Sharma (Aliyesha)
HIBP founder Troy Hunt says he found 284,132,969 compromised accounts while analyzing 1.5TB of stealer logs likely collected from numerous sources and shared on a Telegram channel known as “ALIEN TXTBASE.”
#hibp #alienstealer #data #breach #it #security #privacy #engineer #media #tech #news
Have I Been Pwned: Pwned websites
Have I Been Pwned allows you to search across multiple data breaches to see if your email address or phone number has been
Auf dem freien #Datenmarkt lassen sich damit besuche in (Entzugs)kliniken, Ärzten, Job, Wohnort, Demos, ... nicht mehr sonderlich geheim halten.
Datenauskunft der eigenen Daten? Fehlanzeige. "Zu aufwändig"
Aber gut, das dieser Anbieter ein #Privacy-Fiasko ist, wird seit Jahren gepredigt, aber nicht geglaubt. Jetzt mal schwarz auf weiß.
WetterOnline sieht “unverhältnismäßigen Aufwand” in Einhaltung der DSGVO
WetterOnline teilt die persönlichen Daten ihrer Nutzer:innen zu Werbezwecken mit mehr als 800 Drittunternehmen. Darunter befinden sich auch höchst präzise
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Mozilla has renewed its promise to continue supporting Manifest V2 extensions alongside Manifest V3, giving users the freedom to use the extensions they want in their browser.
#firefox #manifest #v2 #extensions #support #it #security #privacy #engineer #media #tech #news
Mozilla’s approach to Manifest V3: What’s different and why it matters for extension users
While some browsers are phasing out Manifest V2 entirely, Firefox is keeping it alongside Manifest V3 — ensuring powerful privacy tools remain available to users.Kristina Bravo (The Mozilla Blog)
#himachal #dharamshala #india #news #press #education #Matriculation #Matric #12thBoardExam #BoardExam #AnnualExam #governance #preparation
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Dharamshala: Matric-Plus Two Exams in Himachal Pradesh from 4th March.
Around 1.95 lakh students to appear in 2,300 examination centres.Rajesh (Aliyesha)
The protest, which police said involved hundreds of people, was one of a wave of "Tesla Takedown" demonstrations staged across the country targeting billionaire Musk, who is spearheading the Trump administration's so-called Department of Government Efficiency, or DOGE.
#Tesla #TeslaTakedown #NY #Musk #DOGE #privacy #identity #Trump #press
If you activate this, your posts that are older than a certain number of weeks, months or years are automatically deleted by your server.
The setup process for autodelete also lets you choose types of post or specific posts not to delete.
(If you want to keep everything, just don't activate autodelete 🙂 )
#FediTips #Mastodon #Privacy
Deleting posts automatically in Mastodon after a certain time period | Fedi.Tips – An Unofficial Guide to Mastodon and the Fediverse
An unofficial guide to using Mastodon and the
#privacy #politics #Narcotraffic
France is about to pass the worst surveillance law in the EU. We must stop them now! | Tuta
An amendment to the “Narcotrafic” law is moving to the French National Assembly. Remind your legislators that a backdoor for the good guys only is not possible.Tuta
Die neue Adresse des deutschsprachigen Reticulum Matrix Kanals lautet
#Datenschutz #Privacy #Messenger #Kommunikation #Notfallkommunikation #Reticulum #Mesh #LXMF #LoRa #ReticulumNetwork #NomadNet
Matrix - Decentralised and secure communication
You're invited to talk on Matrix. If you don't already have a client this link will help you pick one, and join the conversation. If you already have one, this link will help you join the
“The Mozilla #Manifesto Addendum
Pledge for a Healthy #Internet
The open, global internet is the most powerful communication and collaboration resource we have ever seen. It embodies some of our deepest hopes for human progress. It enables new opportunities for learning, building a sense of shared humanity, and solving the pressing problems facing people everywhere.
Over the last decade we have seen this promise fulfilled in many ways. We have also seen the power of the internet used to magnify divisiveness, incite violence, promote hatred, and intentionally manipulate fact and reality. We have learned that we should more explicitly set out our aspirations for the human experience of the internet. We do so now.”
Lol 🤪 Principles
#mozilla <>
The Mozilla Manifesto
These are the principles that guide our mission to promote openness, innovation & opportunity on the web.Mozilla
#bihar #patna #india #news #press #government #governance #Environment #ClimateAction #BJP #BiharGovernment
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Patna: Dr Sunil Kumar Assumes Office as Bihar’s Minister of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change.
Dr Sunil Kumar, the newly appointed Minister of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change in the Bihar government, officially assumed office today.Alok Sharma (Aliyesha)
Welche #Browser könnt Ihr im Zusammenhang #unplugtrump und #privacy empfehlen?
Windows und Linux Plattformen.
#privacy #business #press
Why A Company’s Data Privacy Needs A Strong Foundation
Also in the Forbes CIO newsletter: Is Apple’s AI infrastructure investment truly historic? Nvidia smashes expectations, but Wall Street is unimpressed.Forbes
"The investigation will focus on the platform's compliance with federal privacy law with respect to its collection, use, and disclosure of Canadians' personal information to train artificial intelligence models," the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada said in a statement on Thursday.
#privacy #Canada #Twitter #musk #press
Verdächtige Links: So durchleuchten Mobilfunkanbieter deine SMS
Telekom, Vodafone, 1&1 und Telefónica wollen ihre Kund*innen vor betrügerischen Kurznachrichten schützen. Doch sie dürfen die Inhalte von SMS eigentlich nicht analysieren. Wie funktionieren die SMS-Firewalls dann?
You can’t scan communications without breaching privacy.
You can’t introduce message scanning software that undermines encryption in a way that’s anything other than less secure than what we have now.
Find out more ➡️
#e2ee #encryption #privacy #cybersecurity #security
Practice Safe Text Campaign launched
Open Rights Group has launched a new campaign, ‘Practice Safe Text’ which highlights the importance of end-to-end encryption in keeping our communications safe.Open Rights Group