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Beiträge, die mit PRIVACY getaggt sind

I know some people weren't sure how to freeze their credit, or it was on their list of to do's. Here's a helpful guide with links & phone numbers to help you. https://www.lockdownyourlife.com/identity-theft-mitigation/

#blog #blogging #tech #infosec #safety #privacy #safety

"At EFF we spend a lot of time thinking about Street Level Surveillance technologies—the technologies used by police and other authorities to spy on you while you are going about your everyday life—such as automated license plate readers, facial recognition, surveillance camera networks, and cell-site simulators (CSS). Rayhunter is a new open source tool we’ve created that runs off an affordable mobile hotspot that we hope empowers everyone, regardless of technical skill, to help search out CSS around the world.

CSS (also known as Stingrays or IMSI catchers) are devices that masquerade as legitimate cell-phone towers, tricking phones within a certain radius into connecting to the device rather than a tower."


#USA #Surveillance #Cellphones #DigitalRights #Stingrays #IMSICatchers #Privacy #Rayhunter

Fake CAPTCHA PDFs spread Lumma Stealer via Webflow, GoDaddy & other Domains.

IT-Security researchers have uncovered a widespread phishing campaign that uses fake CAPTCHA images shared via PDF documents hosted on Webflow's content delivery network (CDN) to deliver the Lumma stealer malware.


#fake #captcha #pdf #phishing #campaign #it #security #privacy #engineer #media #tech #news
Netskope Threat Labs said it discovered 260 unique domains hosting 5,000 phishing PDF files that redirect victims to malicious websites.

"The attacker uses SEO to trick victims into visiting the pages by clicking on malicious search engine results," security researcher Jan Michael Alcantara said in a report. "While most phishing pages focus on stealing credit card information, some PDF files contain fake CAPTCHAs that trick victims into executing malicious PowerShell commands, ultimately leading to the Lumma Stealer malware."

The phishing campaign is estimated to have affected more than 1,150 organizations and more than 7,000 users since the second half of 2024, with the attacks primarily singling out victims in North America, Asia, and Southern Europe across technology, financial services and manufacturing sectors.

Guten Morgen 💛 Welche Accounts zu den Themen digitale Rechte und Online-Privatsphäre könnt ihr empfehlen?

Which accounts related to the topics of digital rights and online privacy can you recommend?

#privacy #surveillance #datenschutz


🚩Unique identifiers

Apparently Firefox shares unique identifiers for quite a lot of reasons which mostly fail to convince me of their need. There might be legitimate reason, but once again raises more questions than answers. E.g look at the "relevant content and advertising on Firefox New Tab" part. 😩


#Privacy #Tech #OpenSource #Mozilla #Firefox

🚩 Your use of Firefox must follow Mozilla’s Acceptable Use Policy, and you agree that you will not use Firefox to infringe anyone’s rights or violate any applicable laws or regulations.

Sounds reasonable, but 👀 at:

It raises more questions than answers.

In relation to

Why is this applicable for a local app? How will it be enforced? Are there ways to appeal a decision? Who makes the decision? Etc


#Mozilla #Firefox #Privacy #Tech

🚩 Mozilla can suspend or end anyone’s access to Firefox at any time for any reason, including if Mozilla decides not to offer Firefox anymore.

Does this sound like any Open Source app or organisation that you know? Or does this sound like proprietary software? It begs the question will Firefox remain Open Source?


#Tech #Mozilla #Firefox #OpenSource #CyberSecurity #Privacy #SurveillanceCapitalism

sudo pacman -R thunderbird

Removed Thunderbird too. I'll just use the web interface for my email - which is not a big tech company provider.

It's a shame Mozilla is compromising itself to sell out it's users with the changes to its ToS.

#mozilla #thunderbird #foss #privacy #security #archlinux #linux

Apple deshabilitó su servicio de "protección avanzada de datos" para clientes del Reino Unido después de una orden secreta del gobierno británico que exigía acceso a datos de usuarios globales - https://edri.org/our-work/apple-and-the-long-secret-arm-of-the-uk-government/ #privacy #privacidad #UK

सरकार बजटीय तैयारियों में जुटी, वादों को पूरा करने की योजना पर मंथन।


#newdelhi #delhi #india #news #press #politics #bjp #budget #cmrekha

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हर्षिल (उत्तरकाशी) : प्रधानमंत्री के आगमन की तैयारी चाक चौबंद।


#uttarakhand #dehradun #india #news #press #pmmodi #IncredibleIndia #PMInUttarakhand #tourism

Enjoy tracker free reading with us. #privacy #privacymatters

My latest Firefox update has an AI Chat engine in it. While I can't verify whether all of my setting choices are correct here, and while there is a setting to keep the AIChat off the sidebar, if you are willing to take the risk, you can turn off AIChat in the Firefox config window by toggling true to false.

#Firefox #AIChat #privacy #browser #update
Turning off AI Chat in the Firefox about:config window.

Hooked 2.0: How Scams are Evolving & How to Avoid Them


#privacy #cybersecurity #scam #blog

दिल्ली का मौसम हुआ सुहाना, हिमाचल की बर्फबारी का असर।


#newdelhi #delhi #india #news #press #weather #rails #himachal #snow #AirQuality

Enjoy tracker free reading with us. #privacy #privacymatters

Have I Been Pwned adds 284M Accounts stolen by Infostealer Malware. [⚠️HIBP is a Website that alerts Users about Data Breaches.⚠️]

HIBP founder Troy Hunt says he found 284,132,969 compromised accounts while analyzing 1.5TB of stealer logs likely collected from numerous sources and shared on a Telegram channel known as “ALIEN TXTBASE.”


#hibp #alienstealer #data #breach #it #security #privacy #engineer #media #tech #news

#WetterOnline ist die #DSGVO scheißegal, sammelt, aggregiert und verkauft die Userdaten inklusive der #WerbeId und #Standort-Abfragen.
Auf dem freien #Datenmarkt lassen sich damit besuche in (Entzugs)kliniken, Ärzten, Job, Wohnort, Demos, ... nicht mehr sonderlich geheim halten.
Datenauskunft der eigenen Daten? Fehlanzeige. "Zu aufwändig"

Aber gut, das dieser Anbieter ein #Privacy-Fiasko ist, wird seit Jahren gepredigt, aber nicht geglaubt. Jetzt mal schwarz auf weiß.


Wenn du über aktuelle Beiträge informiert werden möchtest, kannst du dem Blog auf verschiedenen Kanälen folgen, dich mit uns austauschen und aktiv am Diskurs teilnehmen. 👇

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#blog #sicherheit #security #datenschutz #privacy #mastodon #newsletter #rss #discourse #forum

:firefox: Firefox confirms Support for Manifest V2 & V3 Extensions, contrasting Google's Chrome phase-out & disables MV2 Ad-Blockers.

Mozilla has renewed its promise to continue supporting Manifest V2 extensions alongside Manifest V3, giving users the freedom to use the extensions they want in their browser.


#firefox #manifest #v2 #extensions #support #it #security #privacy #engineer #media #tech #news
Although Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox and Apple Safari have all adopted MV3, they have done so with their own implementation modifications, allowing users greater freedom while still benefiting from the security enhancements.

Still, support for MV2 is the only way to go for older add-ons, and Firefox reiterated via an announcement that it will continue to support it in the foreseeable future. "While some browsers are phasing out Manifest V2 entirely, Firefox is keeping it alongside Manifest V3," said Mozilla.

Specifically, the internet company said it would continue to support both the 'blockingWebRequest' and 'declarativeNetRequest' APIs, corresponding to MV3 and MV2, respectively, allowing extensions like uBlock Origin to continue working as usual.

Firefox has not stated how long this support will continue, but as long as there are powerful add-ons enhancing user privacy and security, Mozilla should continue to have strong reasons to extend support for Manifest V2.

Nine arrested at New York Tesla dealership as anti-Musk protests break out


The protest, which police said involved hundreds of people, was one of a wave of "Tesla Takedown" demonstrations staged across the country targeting billionaire Musk, who is spearheading the Trump administration's so-called Department of Government Efficiency, or DOGE.

#Tesla #TeslaTakedown #NY #Musk #DOGE #privacy #identity #Trump #press
Nine arrested at New York Tesla dealership as anti-Musk protests break out. REUTERS

There is an optional feature on Mastodon which lets you automatically delete your posts after a certain amount of time:

➡️ https://fedi.tips/deleting-posts-automatically-in-mastodon-after-a-certain-time-period

If you activate this, your posts that are older than a certain number of weeks, months or years are automatically deleted by your server.

The setup process for autodelete also lets you choose types of post or specific posts not to delete.

(If you want to keep everything, just don't activate autodelete 🙂 )

#FediTips #Mastodon #Privacy

#France is about to pass the worst #surveillance law in the #EU


#privacy #politics #Narcotraffic

‼️‼️‼️ Aufgrund eines (Matrix?) Fehlers, hat es unseren alten Reticulum Kanal leider "zerlegt". ‼️‼️‼️

Die neue Adresse des deutschsprachigen Reticulum Matrix Kanals lautet https://matrix.to/#/#reticulum-network-de:matrix.org

#Datenschutz #Privacy #Messenger #Kommunikation #Notfallkommunikation #Reticulum #Mesh #LXMF #LoRa #ReticulumNetwork #NomadNet

Trump has aligned his administration with Putin. The Guardian reported on Friday that the US has stopped treating Russia as a cyberthreat to American national security—a change in policy designed to allow Russia to infiltrate US computer networks. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2025/feb/28/trump-russia-hacking-cyber-security #privacy #NationalSecurity

“Principle 4. Individuals’ #security and #privacy on the internet are fundamental and must not be treated as optional.”

“The Mozilla #Manifesto Addendum

Pledge for a Healthy #Internet

The open, global internet is the most powerful communication and collaboration resource we have ever seen. It embodies some of our deepest hopes for human progress. It enables new opportunities for learning, building a sense of shared humanity, and solving the pressing problems facing people everywhere.

Over the last decade we have seen this promise fulfilled in many ways. We have also seen the power of the internet used to magnify divisiveness, incite violence, promote hatred, and intentionally manipulate fact and reality. We have learned that we should more explicitly set out our aspirations for the human experience of the internet. We do so now.”

Lol 🤪 Principles

#mozilla <https://mozilla.org/en-US/about/manifesto/>
The first five points of the Mozilla 10 principles document. Principle 4 highlighted. 

source https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/about/manifesto/

Dr Sunil Kumar Assumes Office as Bihar’s Minister of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change.


#bihar #patna #india #news #press #government #governance #Environment #ClimateAction #BJP #BiharGovernment

Enjoy tracker free reading with us. #privacy #privacymatters

Hallo #Fediverse :
Welche #Browser könnt Ihr im Zusammenhang #unplugtrump und #privacy empfehlen?
Windows und Linux Plattformen.

Why A Company’s Data Privacy Needs A Strong Foundation


#privacy #business #press

CNET Survey: 43% of Americans Use VPNs, Citing Privacy as the Primary Reason. Experts Expect That Number to Rise


US adults are also using VPNs to save money, and access streaming content and banned apps.


#privacy #VPN #survey #Press

Canada's privacy watchdog opens investigation into X following complaint


"The investigation will focus on the platform's compliance with federal privacy law with respect to its collection, use, and disclosure of Canadians' personal information to train artificial intelligence models," the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada said in a statement on Thursday.

#privacy #Canada #Twitter #musk #press
FILE PHOTO: 'X' logo is seen on the top of the headquarters of the messaging platform X, formerly known as Twitter, in downtown San Francisco, California, U.S., July 30, 2023. REUTERS/Carlos Barria/File Photo © Thomson Reuters

Enlaces sospechosos: cómo los proveedores de telefonía móvil escanean tus SMS - https://netzpolitik.org/2025/verdaechtige-links-so-durchleuchten-mobilfunkanbieter-deine-sms/ #privacidad #privacy

We need to #PracticeSafeText 💬

You can’t scan communications without breaching privacy.

You can’t introduce message scanning software that undermines encryption in a way that’s anything other than less secure than what we have now.

Find out more ➡️ https://www.openrightsgroup.org/press-releases/practice-safe-text-campaign-launched/

#e2ee #encryption #privacy #cybersecurity #security
Quote from James Baker, ORG Programme Manager: "Encryption is a shield against against stalkers, predators, hackers and criminals. People should practice safe texting using end-to-end encryption to keep their photo rolls and messages safe from creeps."