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:firefox: Firefox confirms Support for Manifest V2 & V3 Extensions, contrasting Google's Chrome phase-out & disables MV2 Ad-Blockers.

Mozilla has renewed its promise to continue supporting Manifest V2 extensions alongside Manifest V3, giving users the freedom to use the extensions they want in their browser.


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Although Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox and Apple Safari have all adopted MV3, they have done so with their own implementation modifications, allowing users greater freedom while still benefiting from the security enhancements.

Still, support for MV2 is the only way to go for older add-ons, and Firefox reiterated via an announcement that it will continue to support it in the foreseeable future. "While some browsers are phasing out Manifest V2 entirely, Firefox is keeping it alongside Manifest V3," said Mozilla.

Specifically, the internet company said it would continue to support both the 'blockingWebRequest' and 'declarativeNetRequest' APIs, corresponding to MV3 and MV2, respectively, allowing extensions like uBlock Origin to continue working as usual.

Firefox has not stated how long this support will continue, but as long as there are powerful add-ons enhancing user privacy and security, Mozilla should continue to have strong reasons to extend support for Manifest V2.