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Beiträge, die mit TIMCOOK getaggt sind

Well it seems to be the year of open letters...

Here is my letter to Tim Cook, explaining why to my great dismay I have to stop using software produced by his company.

It's a drastic step for me. And I don't think he will ever see or read it. But it's important to say this nonetheless.

Don't support a #fascist regime. And don't support companies who support a fascist regime.

Please boost if you like.


#music #freemusic #ccmusic #creativecommons #apple #trump #timcook

Ich frage mich immer, was #TimCook von #Apple auf solchen Bildern (ähnliches in der #SZ) zu suchen hat. Außer dass er Lenker eines #BigTech-Konzerns ist, ist er nicht durch ähnlich absonderliches #Verhalten wie die anderen aufgefallen, oder?

The reaction to the news that Tim Cook bent the knee and ponied up to Trump's inauguration is about what I expected: fast, harsh and brutal.

Color me sincerely curious, is anyone cancelling their Apple services or beginning to look elsewhere for their next hardware purchase? #TimCook