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Beiträge, die mit co2 getaggt sind

Lejos de reducirse, las emisiones de #CO2 por quemar petróleo, gas y carbón alcanzan un nuevo máximo - https://www.eldiario.es/sociedad/lejos-reducirse-emisiones-co2-quemar-petroleo-gas-carbon-alcanzan-nuevo-maximo_1_11813362.html

#flugtaxi #taxi #fliegen #co2 #taxtherich #climatecollapse #press #news

Taxi fliegen


#press #news #climatecollapse #co2 #emissions #fossils

"Ständig wird uns gesagt „recycle“, „iss vegan“ oder „flieg weniger“."


Over the past 65 years, the rate at which atmospheric CO₂ grew, increased from less than 1 ppm/year in the 1960s to 2.5 ppm in the 2010s.
Last year saw a record increase of 3.36 ppm.
So far this year, we're 3.54 ppm higher than last year...

#emissions #co2 #climate #ClimateChange
Annual increase of CO2 at Mauna Loa, 1959-2023. Big variations but trend still up.

Inhaltswarnung: Klimawandel

Block the sun, save the earth? Solar geoengineering — the idea of cooling the planet by deflecting the sun’s rays — is so risky that scientists and policy experts can’t even agree on whether to research it.
Audio https://dcs.megaphone.fm/VMP4327468292.mp3
RSS https://feeds.megaphone.fm/VMP5705694065

#Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateAction #Carbon #CO2 #Geoengineering #SolarGeoengineering #Podcast

Waterfront industrial facilities sending pollution into an orange sky.