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Beiträge, die mit greekromanart getaggt sind


Beiträge, die mit greekromanart getaggt sind

This week's #MythologyMonday theme is symbols. There are many symbols in ancient Greek and Roman art that are there to identify a character from #mythology. A famous example is #Herakles / #Hercules who is usually identified by his club or the lionskin of the Nemean Lion that he wears after completing his first labour: slaying the Nemean Lion.
In the images below you can see examples from Roman sculpture and Greek vase painting. See alt text for detailed info.

@mythology #GreekRomanArt
A sculpture of Hercules from the Roman city of Herculaneum. The hero is shown taking a leak, his club over his shoulder and the lionskin hanging from his arm making it clear to the onlooker that this figure is Hercules.
Black-figure vase painting depicting Herakles trying to steal the tripod from Apollon's temple in Delphi. The god intervenes, holding on to the tripod. We can identify Apollon by his long hair that is crowned with a laurel wreath and the bow and quiver at his hip. Herakles also wears a bow and quiver in this scene and we can't see his signature club but he is wearing the lionskin over his head, communicating clearly that this character is Herakles.

It's the Day of Hermes aka Mercurius Day aka #Wednesday! 🐏

"For his wedding with Juno [#Hera], Jupiter [#Zeus] ordered Mercurius [#Hermes] to invite all the gods, the men and the animals to the wedding. Everyone invited by #Mercurius [Hermes] came, except for Chelone."
Servius, On Virgil's Aeneid 1.505

🏛 Hermes, Zeus & Hera, and Nike

@mythology @antiquidons
#DayOfHermes #Mythology #GreekRomanArt
Black-and-white image of a red-figure vase painting. Zeus is seated opposite to Hera. Nike (rather than Iris) crowns his head. Hermes starts away, prepared to do his bidding.

It's the Day of Selene / Luna's Day / #Monday! 🌛

"A team of mules unbridled and a mule-cart with silver wheels are there on the beach, but #Selene knows not how to put mules to her yokestrap--she drives a team of bulls!"
Nonnus, Dionysiaca 7.222

🏛️ #Luna in her biga, relief on the short west side of the Arch of Constantine, #Rome, 312—315 CE

📸 Sergey Sosnovskiy

@antiquidons @mythology #DayOfSelene #MoonMonday #GreekRomanArt #mythology
Relief of the Roman moon goddess Luna in her biga, a chariot drawn by two animals. He holds the reins in her right and was probably holding a whip in her left. She has her iconic lunar crescent on her head and her billowing cloak rises behind her. Above them, a winged Eros flies, symbolising the passion Selene feels for Endymion, who is sleeping at the bottom of the relief.

It's the #DayOfHelios / Sol's Day / #Sunday! ☀️

"While in the first forming of the world the island was still like mud and soft, the sun dried up the larger part of its wetness and filled the land with living creatures. [...] In consequence of these events the island [Rhodes] was considered to be sacred to Helios."
Diodorus Siculus, Library of History 5.56.3

🏛️ #Helios on a tetradrachme from the city of #Rhodes

#DayOfHelios #GreekRomanArt #mythology #numismatics
Photograph of both the obverse and the reverse of a silver tetradrachm coin. On the obverse is the head of Helios, his face turning slightly to the right, sun beams radiating from his head.
On the reverse we see a rose on a stem with a bud growing to the right.