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Beiträge, die mit infectiousdisease getaggt sind

Since the mainstream journos never say this: this is not the result of a foreign aid stoppage, it's the result of half a millennium of colonization, in the aftermath of which colonized peoples are dependent on fickle colonizers' meager "charitable" resource allocations, which pale in comparison to the wealth and life and safety and well-being and ecosystem health the colonizers have stolen.


#Colonization #PublicHealth #InfectiousDisease #Racism #Capitalism #Journalism

I get that folks love hunting but frankly, I wouldn't eat deer or elk anymore at all. That's just me. Prions are frightening. It's not known what the risk to humans is with this but prion diseases have extremely long incubation periods. So you might think there's no problem...when there is.

"Researchers have identified chronic wasting disease (CWD) prions in raw, cooked, and cured meat from an infected elk in Texas, confirming the presence of the infectious CWD-causing agents in muscle but concluding that the risk of transmission to humans through consumption is still unclear and requires continued vigilance.

Cooking temperatures are well known to be ineffective in disabling CWD prions, which are misfolded cervid (eg, deer, moose, elk) prions, leading to neurologic disease and death. The prions spread among cervids and through environmental contamination. There is no vaccine or treatment for CWD, which has been found in 35 US states, Canada, Norway, Finland, Sweden, and South Korea."
#prions #InfectiousDisease #cervids #CWD https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/chronic-wasting-disease/cwd-prions-confirmed-raw-cooked-elk-meat-and-water-used-boiling-risk-people