Beiträge, die mit melania getaggt sind
Sie wurde zur Frau ohne Gesicht (gemacht?). Wer kein Gesicht hat, hat keine Stimme, ist keine Person.
Melania war (oder hat sich?) zum Schmuckbeiwerk des mächtigen Mannes degradiert.
Dieser Auftritt Melanias vor der Weltöffentlichkeit ist die amerikanische Form des Schleiers und Trump-Botschaft an die Frauen: "Dient den Männern! Haltet den Mund! Ihr steht nicht auf Augenhöhe mit uns!"
🥥 Compare and contrast.
The descent of the office of the President of the United States from 1960 to 2025.
Eye was alive when President Kennedy was elected in 1960, ushering in an era known as Camelot with his lovely first lady Jacqueline,
On Monday, January 20, 2025, the curtain goes up on Little Shop of Horrors. 🥥
#USPolitics #Inauguration #InaugurationSurvivalKit #TheKennedys #Trump #Melania #TuckersBalls
🥥 Is it going to get harder or easier to know who to hate after the inauguration?
Trump is married to an immigrant and JD Vance is married to a woman whose parents were Indian immigrants.
Trump can make a few extra bucks selling scorecards to his followers so they'll know who it's okay to hate. 🥥
#USPolitics #Inauguration #InaugurationSurvivalKit #Melania #MrsVance #TuckersBalls
Trump Persona dell'Anno 2024, il discorso con Vance e Melania. E suona la campanella di Wall Street
Il tycoon si dice contrario a lanciare attacchi in Russia con missili. "Netanyahu ha fiducia in me, sa che voglio la fine della guerra" aggiunge sul conflitto a Gaza, precisando che "sarà risolta, ci vorrà di più rispetto alla guerra Russia-Ucraina"
Trump Persona of the Year 2024, the speech with Vance and Melania. And the Wall Street bell rings.
The tycoon is said to be against launching missile attacks on Russia. "Netanyahu trusts me, he knows I want the end of the war," he adds about the conflict in Gaza, specifying that "it will be resolved, it will take more than the Russia-Ukraine war."
#Russia #Netanyahu #Palestine #Vance #attack #war #Gaza #RussiaUkraine #Melania