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Beiträge, die mit transgenocide getaggt sind

Texas school district bans Bible: “Patently offensive” sexual content 🤨

* Bible caught up in ban on "sexual content" in school libraries 😹
* Texas House Bill 900 (2023-2024) Restricting Explicit & Adult Designated Educational Resources
* prohibits books with 1+ instance sex content


#Texas #GOP #HB900 #READERact
#Trump2 #fascism #authoritarianism
#ChristianRight #theocracy #antiLGBT #ParentalRights #censorship
#Christofascism #transgenocide

* TX Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick: officials must look to Scripture when making policy
* Ted Cruz too savvy to openly endorse dominionism
* his team incl. explicit dominionists
* Cruz's father espouses Seven Mountains Dominionism
* Seven Mountains Dominionist David Barton managed Ted Cruz superPAC in failed presidential bid

#Trump2 #fascism #authoritarianism #Project2025
#ChristianRight #theocracy #ChristianNationalism
#DominionTheology #DavidBarton #TedCruz
#Christofascism #transgenocide #antiLGBT

Trump in Disbelief as Bishop Mariann Budde Calls Him Out in Inaugural Prayer

Donald Trump rages at bishop who humiliated him at prayer service

Transcript: Trump Seethes as Bishop Mariann Budde Calls Him Out in Heartfelt Plea

* interview w. immigration advocate Vanessa Cardenas
* can appeals to decency combat rising cruelty and authoritarianism?

#Trump2 #fascism #Project2025
#Christofascism #transgenocide

[thread] Mariann Budde 🙏

* Bishop of Washington 2011+
* 2025-Jan-21 homily, interfaith prayer service after each pres. inauguration
* attending: Trump; V.P. JD Vance; U.S. House Spkr Mike Johnson; ...
* specif. cited 2SLGBTQIA+ communities/immigrants/war refugees

"Millions put their trust in you.
In the name of our God I ask you to have mercy
on the people in our country who are scared now."

#Trump2 #fascism #Project2025
#Christofascism #transgenocide

[thread] Anita Bryant

* outspoken Christian activist against U.S. gay rights
* 1977 Save Our Children campaign to repeal local ordinance in Miami-Dade County, FL
* ordinance outlawed discrim. on basis of sexual orientation
* disgraced; freq. named prototypical example of opposition to 2SLGBTQIA+ rights
* 2024-Dec-16 died f. cancer

#AnitaBryant #RepublicanParty #GOP #discrimination
#ChristianRight #antiLGBT #homophobia #transphobia
#Christofascism #transgenocide #hatred

Impact of QAnon in 2024 U.S. Election

* election filled w. conspiracy theories
* led by QAnon conspiracy theory movement
* influential force in Am. politics
* widely discredited, movement has devoted following ext. into mainstream politics
* influenced voters/candidates/political discourse

#polls #PRRI
#ChristianRight #MikeFlynn #psyops #extremism
#QAnon #GOP #MAGA #Trumpism #Trump2 #fascism #disinformation #ConspiracyTheories #ignorance
#Christofascism #transgenocide
Impact of QAnon in 2024 U.S. Election

* election filled w. conspiracy theories
* led by QAnon conspiracy theory movement
* influential force in American politics
* widely discredited, movement has devoted following ext. into mainstream politics
* influenced voters/candidates/political discourse

#polls #PRRI
#ChristianRight #MikeFlynn #psyops #extremism
#QAnon #GOP #MAGA #Trumpism #Trump2 #fascism #disinformation #ConspiracyTheories
#Christofascism #transgenocide


4 yrs years U.S. Capitol riot QAnon hasn't gone away

* online extremist community QAnon courted by Trump/most powerful allies
* Trump, Musk repeat. share QAnon content on social media
* nonprofit PRRI: polls on religion
* 2024: 19% Am. believe in QAnon core theories (2021: 14%); 32% among Trumpist Republicans

#ChristianRight #MikeFlynn #psyops #extremism
#QAnon #GOP #MAGA #Trumpism #Trump2 #fascism #disinformation #ConspiracyTheories
#Christofascism #transgenocide

Comments [thread: https://mastodon.social/@persagen/112815779242384993 ]

* QAnon: proto-religion based on belief, conspiracies, dogma, evangelicalism
* 2020s U.S. Republican Party - allied with QAnon - has metastasized into a proto-religion
* behind the scenes Christian right/libertarian billionaires pull the strings.

#QAnon #ConspiracyTheories #ProtoReligions #dogmatism #extremism
#SocialMedia #memes #disinformation
#USpol #RepublicanParty #GOP #Trumpism #MAGA #MikeFlynn #psyops #fascism
#Christofascism #transgenocide

Radical Theology That Could Make Religious Freedom a Thing of the Past

* dominion theology/dominionism
* refusal to separate church/state
* believe Christians “have biblical mandate to control all earthly institutions, incl. gov't, until 2nd coming of Jesus”

#Trump2 #fascism #authoritarianism #Project2025
#ChristianRight #theocracy #ChristianNationalism
#DominionTheology #DavidBarton #TedCruz
#Christofascism #transgenocide #antiLGBT

Billionaire Preachers Built Most Powerful Political Machine in Texas

* Tim Dunn, Farris Wilks
* pushed TX statehouse far right. threatens separation of church/state
* relentlessly fund campaigns v. other Republicans
* Christian nationalism
* Dunn linked to think tanks jockeying to influence Trump2 administration

#Trump2 #fascism
#ChristianRight #theocracy #ChristianNationalism #DominionTheology
#Christofascism #transgenocide #antiLGBT
#billionaires #TimDunn #FarrisWilks

Trump ushers in Christian "deep state." MAGA moves to gut U.S. Constitution

* Trump gave control of budget to Project 2025 henchman who calls this a "post-constitutional moment"

Religious choice vs. Christian nationalism

* Donald Trump rec'd <50% voter support

#USpol #GOP #Trump2 #fascism #authoritarianism
#ChristianRight #Christofascism #Gilead
#theocracy #DominionTheology #ChristianNationalism
#antiLGBT #transgenocide #USConstitution