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Beiträge, die mit AUSpol getaggt sind

United States makes threats against countries all around it - Panama, Canada, Denmark via Greenland.

This is fucking wrong. If our government continues appeasement, we need a new government.

#auspol #uspol

PremierNational Pty Ltd donated $60,765 in 2022-23. That was $43,700 to Labor and $17,065 to the Coalition. {5178} #auspol (https://politicalgadgets.com/PoliticalDonations/) #auspol

"99% of existing US #coal plants are more expensive to run than replacement by local #wind, #solar, and #energy storage resources."

#renewables #batteries #FossilFuels #nuclear #auspol


Zionist? 🤣

The Greens and their rusted-ons have been using Israel’s genocide in Gaza as a prop to win cheap votes for a year. They think they can peel votes away from Labor, when all it’s doing is killing the Greens primary vote and helping the LNP to a win.

Israel doesn’t care what Australia does, and claim otherwise is simplistic and cynical virtue-signalling nonsense. #auspol

Found a Zionist Jordan Shanks.

And noting (not for the first time) the Gaza Genocide is like a Rorschach Test for many. Esp Australian Jews and Labor rusties.

There are those among us who see crimes against humanity, including ethnic cleansing and genocide. And are disgusted at official Aust support for such an odiously violent, rogue regime.

Then there are those reflexively loyal to the Israeli or Labor cause and see Israel 'defending itself' from an unprovoked attack by terrorists. They also see antisemitism in everything, esp criticism of the Israeli State. Accusing most of the UN GA, Ireland, The Pope, uni protesters, anyone supporting international law while holding a Palestinian flag, and of course the Greens of antesemetism.

These robots have internalised the most vile and base of 'politics' in what used to be the progressive and idealistic political wing of the union movement. They get triggered when they see 1.4 million primary votes flow to a Party that does not take money from fossil fuel or weapons companies, takes climate change and the housing crisis seriously, seeks to restore Australian sovereignty, and has been calling out the Israeli apartheid state for decades. While Labor on the other hand has been enthusiastic supporters of the US empire and politely averting its gaze from its military and political support for a regime credibly accused of war crimes and ethnic cleansing.

Because 'politics', of course.

#australia #labor #auspol

Labor second last it is. Would never seriously preference them below the Coalition.


#TheConversation #auspol Justin Trudeau quits: How his focus on social policy will be his legacy Read more…https://theconversation.com/justin-trudeau-quits-how-his-focus-on-social-policy-will-be-his-legacy-246730


Secretive, underhanded non disclosure = lies.

Anus and the the Beetrooter keeping up a long standing LNP tradition.


#auspol LNP only know how to be an opposition. They don't have any concept of governing.

China has a massive housing surplus - and while the article frames an entirely negative narrative with selective use of terms like 'overbuilt' and 'under-used' hard to read it with anything but jealousy.

Conspicuously absent are any references to homelessness rates.


#china #auspol #homelessness

Amanda Rishworth claimed $326,580 in expenses over the last 4 reported quarters. #auspol (https://politicalgadgets.com/) #auspol

Peter Khalil is 33.13% Dutton (https://politicalgadgets.com/) #auspol #votes_like

The only thing that counts is legislation #politicians vote for or block.
#law #politics

This bloke is Peter Dutton, leader of the (Neo)Liberal Party #australia #auspol #costofliving #energy #price
Photo of Dutton and the words ‘this bloke voted against capping gas prices (he’s not on your side)

Another expose of the #AtlasNetwork.
This is a summary of the webinar from December 2023 held by Sydney University of Technology.
#auspol #democracy
Even more relevant today with an approaching #australia federal #election.

“The disinformation campaign against offshore wind power in Australia comes out of the same American sources as all the other disinformation campaigns against competition for fossil fuel profits”

#money #fossilfuels
#usa #disease #AtlasNetwork #Advance #CIS


If Rinehart, Murdoch and Musk all died simultaneously, Australia's political future would suddenly look significantly brighter - which says much about the malicious power and influence these malignant human cancers wield.



Please sign the petition asking the Australian media to report on the criminal attacks on the Kamal Adwan Hospital


#Gaza #WarCrimes #FreePalestine #IsraelApartheid #StopGenocideNow #CeaseFireNow #CeaseFireNowPermanently
#EndTheArmsTrade #BoycottBoeing #BoeingKills


Australia needs better ways of storing renewable electricity for later. That’s where ‘flow batteries’ can help https://theconversation.com/australia-needs-better-ways-of-storing-renewable-electricity-for-later-thats-where-flow-batteries-can-help-245570 #energy #auspol #science

Phillip Thompson is 88.99% Dutton (https://politicalgadgets.com/) #auspol #votes_like

The quote below seems a strange argument against a sugar tax. The whole point of it is to discourage the buying of high-sugar drinks, so in that case people wouldn't be paying more anyway.

"Shadow Health Minister Anne Ruston has said the Coalition also doesn’t support a sugar tax, saying there were better ways to encourage healthy eating and preventive health, without hurting the hip pockets of families."

#sugar #auspol https://www.smh.com.au/business/the-economy/the-secret-to-better-health-and-less-obesity-is-a-tax-20250102-p5l1s5.html

Investigation: elite Australian big business group monetises Israeli war machine https://michaelwest.com.au/aicc-monetises-israeli-war-machine/ #Auspol

#democracy #politics #auspol
citizens assembly on housing in #Sydney
Run by Amplify https://www.amplifyaus.org
which seems to be a whole campaign on democracy. Interesting!

#forest #trees #auspol

"A large part of the new Forest Management Plan is the process of ECOLOGICAL THINNING….. the “material” is go to mills & suppliers to help keep them in work.
cutting trees to sell? #money

Well - who'da guessed?
#victorian forest activists ( salvage, forest gardening, fire management all have one thing in common: removing trees to sell them)

There is no end to native forest logging.


I remember this. For months #Howard refused to discuss possible deployment, saying ‘it’s hypothetical & I will not discuss hypotheticals’. Then it was ‘oops too late’. It was brazen.

So much of the poison we see manifest in Australian politics today was seeded & cultivated under Howard. The ‘nation of shareholders’. The demonisation of anyone who was not cis het white Anglo people with well paid work. Reframing social problems as individual deficits. Sending our country to war based on a lie. The tragedy is, as politics, it worked. Howard the cruel, unscrupulous ‘strategist’ is still their hero.

That government caused so much damage. We remember. #AusPol #CabinetPapers #IraqWar

Australia kept quiet about early deployment of forces ahead of Iraq war, cabinet papers show https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2025/jan/01/australia-kept-quiet-about-early-deployment-of-forces-ahead-of-iraq-war-cabinet-papers-show?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other

This is what I mean by #media #news shit.

“Grrrrr! Downright dishonest #journalism by the Age and David Crowe.

If you look at the figures they don’t comment on, the biggest shifts are towards independents and away from ‘other’ (small right wing parties mainly).

They have no way of assessing who is shifting where, but Labor voters and a small number of Greens voters shifting to independent and former voters for Palmer etc shifting to Liberal is a more plausible explanation.

These Age polls by right-wing firm Resolve deliberately inflate the independent vote by offering independent as an option even in seats where no independent is standing.

To make Labor look worse. #auspol #politics

Also they don’t do two-party preferred calculations which would still be pretty close to 50-50 if you add Labor Greens & independents together, and add ‘other’ and Hanson to the Coalition.

They are trying to make Dutton look like a potential winner to swing people who have no idea, believe what they are fed, and follow the herd.


Yet another absurd headline from our ABC, playing into the “out of control crime” talking point of the state opposition.

Dozens of assaults on NYE in a city this size is a very low number, the content of the article backs this up.

What is going on at our ABC?



Welcome to the year 2025 where Israel continues to commit genocide with the assistance of other war loving nations such as the USA, UK, Germany, Australia, just to name a few.

#happynewyear #auspol #genocide #israel #gaza

Well played, Labor. Got a stupid meme nobody saw splashed across old media.

Impressive tactics.



More than four months since Labor shelved, then dumped gambling ad reform, overseen by Nine's former corporate lawyer and Minister for Communications, Michelle Rowland.



"Australia has an abundance of gas, but multinational gas companies export around 75% of our gas overseas. And ever since , ... , Australians started paying the world price for gas. The result? Gas prices tripled." Ebony Bwnnett, Canberra Times, 211224. #auspol

2024: a year of racism and lying to ourselves - Pearls and Irritations #AusPol


Where I grew up's burning down and ABC 'News 24' is running hour long repeats about events from 20 years ago.

#auspol #oldmedia
Screenshot from ABC News featuring a program covering the 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami.


$1,361,053,625 in Federal contracts to the big consultants in 2024. $0 yesterday. {1470} (https://politicalgadgets.com) #auspol

Agreed - it's a start, but not tough enough.
At last, a charter of rights for Australian airline passengers – but where’s the compensation for delays? Monique Ryan https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/dec/23/at-last-a-charter-of-rights-for-australian-airline-passengers-but-wheres-the-compensation-for-delays

#Flying #Travel #auspol

Victorian opposition to vote on John Pesutto's future as leader after four MPs seek special meeting

The headline on this article used to say: "Victorian Opposition Leader John Pesutto apologises to Moira Deeming, calls new vote" but it appears there have been further developments overnight. If John Pesutto had a backbone and a shred of integrity, he'd know one does not apologise for calling-out a white-supremacist TERF.

My impression is that John Pesutto made a high-risk powerplay and called for another party vote to give certainty to the result — he knows he can call in some allies who didn't vote last time because they were on holiday at the time. It could have been a decisive result and quelled arguments about it being a close result or using his deciding vote to make a "captain's call". But, it appears the move has backfired, he looks indecisive and weak, the rightwing media smell blood, and his enemies have had time to organise.

John Pesutto had a golden opportunity to show strength of character and strength of leadership. He should have said: "For the good of the party, and for the good of all Victorians, we're telling Moira Deeming to fuck off and die because she's a nazi and transphobe."

However this matter resolves, this will be awful for his political career. Worse, it has the potential to change the official policy of the Liberal Party of Victoria to overtly include white supremacy and transphobia. His internal party squabbles risk changing the political nature of the party and affecting how minorities live in Victoria. RWNJs have been handed another incremental victory in the sense that they have succeeded again in their ongoing mission to Shift the Overton Window.

John Pesutto has brought this on himself.
He failed to avert a LibSpill.
It's on.

#Auspol #VicPol #SpringSt #MoiraDeeming #TERF #Transphobe #Transphobia #Nazi #NeoNazis #WhiteSupremacists #JohnPesutto #LibSpill #ItsOn

Always found the 1996 protest fascinating when the crowd literally knocked down federal parliament's doors and some ran amok through the corridors.

Was that peak Australian protest? Guess it has Jan 6 vibes in the modern context but seems there was no question or intent of committing violence against Howard and co.

