Beiträge, die mit hezbolláh getaggt sind
#rocket #ceasefire #Houthi #GazaGenocide #GazaHolocaust #airstrike #Israel #Gaza #IDF #Palestine #IRAN #IsraelUnderAttack #GazaUnderAttack #IsraelPalestineConflict #Lebanon #Hezbollah #Hamas
Rockets Fired at Israel as Ceasefire Decision with Hezbollah Looms
IDF Reports Rocket Attacks from Lebanon amid Truce
Israel and Hezbollah seen on the cusp of a deal as attacks continue
Israel’s security cabinet is expected to vote on an agreement on Tuesday, and passage is considered likely.Dan Williams (The Japan Times)
#worldnews #israel #lebanon #hezbollah
Israel launches airstrikes on Lebanon as ceasefire with Hezbollah draws closer
Israeli airstrikes are hitting Lebanon with airstrikes as negotiations progress toward a ceasefire between the country and Lebanon-based Hezbollah militants.SALLY ABOU ALJOUD (AP News)
Tregua in Libano, Israele decide. «Hezbollah pronta a ritirarsi» | Usa: «Accordo vicino ma non finalizzato»
Ceasefire in Lebanon, Israel decides. "Hezbollah ready to withdraw" | US: "Agreement near but not finalized"
#Lebanon #Israel #Hezbollah #US
Tregua in Libano, Israele decide. «Hezbollah pronta a ritirarsi»
Ore decisive per la fine degli scontri. Netanyahu deve superare l’opposizione degli oltranzisti. I libanesi fuggiti dalle loro case sono quasi un milione e duecentomilaDavide Frattini, corrispondente da Gerusalemme (Corriere della Sera)
Florilège de déclarations israéliennes sur un potentiel cessez-le-feu entre le Hezbollah et Israël
#Liban #Hezbollah #Israël
Yair Golan, lors d'une réunion de son parti :
" Netanyahou finira en prison, vêtu d'une tenue orange, à réfléchir aux dommages qu'il a causés à notre pays. "
David Azoulai, chef du Conseil de Metula, appelle les habitant·es à ne pas revenir :
" Trouvez un nouveau foyer dans l'État de Tel Aviv. "
Un haut responsable israélien, à propos d'un potentiel accord :
" Après cet...
Florilège de déclarations israéliennes sur un potentiel cessez-le-feu entre le Hezbollah et Israël - Le Père
Yair Golan, lors d'une réunion de son parti : " Netanyahou finira en prison, vêtu d'une tenue orange, à réfléchir aux dommages qu'il a causés à notre pays. "La rédaction (Le Père Peinard)
Un accord de cessez-le-feu au Liban est " proche ", estiment les Etats-Unis
#Liban #Hezbollah #Israël
Les Etats-Unis estiment qu'un accord de cessez-le-feu est " proche " au Liban où Israël mène depuis deux mois une guerre contre le Liban a indiqué lundi un porte-parole de la Maison Blanche.
La présidence française, également très impliquée dans ce dossier, a exhorté Israël et le Hezbollah à se saisir " au plus vite de cette opportunité ", considérant que les discussions pour un cessez-le-feu ont " avancé significativement...
Un accord de cessez-le-feu au Liban est " proche ", estiment les Etats-Unis - Le Père Peinard
Les Etats-Unis estiment qu'un accord de cessez-le-feu est " proche " au Liban où Israël mène depuis deux mois une guerre contre le Liban a indiqué lundi unLa rédaction (Le Père Peinard)
De situatie in het Midden-Oosten staat nog altijd op scherp. Hezbollah blijft Israël vanuit Libanon bestoken. Iran zou zich beraden op een nieuwe aanval op de Joodse staat. Het Israëlische leger slaat ondertussen hard toe in de regio.
#Midden_Oosten #Hezbollah #Israël #Libanon #Joodse #Israëlische
LIVE | Leger Libanon meldt drie doden door Israëlische aanval, militairen en blauwhelmen gewond
Liveblog: Het Midden-Oosten staat onder hoogspanning en wereldwijd nemen de protesten tegen Israël toe.Leeuwarder Courant
"Israeli air force and air defense raises its state of alert," - Israeli Broadcasting Corporation.
Intelligence information says that #Hezbollah is preparing to launch missiles on a large scale.
Earlier Israeli warplanes raided and targeted the towns of:
- Al-Sawana
- Barashit
- Khirbet Silm
- Al-Sultaniya
- Tyre
The #Israeli fighter jets also targeted the Al-Hadhour, Mataraba and Al-Hosh bridges on the border strip with #Lebanon and
- Al-Qusayr area in the southwestern countryside of #Homs in #Syria
The United States is set to shortly announce a #ceasefire between #Hezbollah and #Israel. Celebrations are beginning in #Beirut in anticipation of the ceasefire deal being announced.
Official sources have told Lebanese outlet MTV that #Lebanon has been notified of the ceasefire deal, which will be officially introduced tomorrow evening.
The ceasefire calls for a full Israeli withdrawal from southern Lebanon. Lebanese Armed Forces will move in to southern Lebanon within 60 days to enforce the deal.
The United States, European Union and United Nations have all been actively pushing in recent days for parties to accept a truce in the Israel-Hezbollah war, which Lebanon says has killed at least 3,768 people in the country since October 2023.
#Hezbollah #Gaza #Beirut
#IDF #lebanon #LebanonAttack #Israel #hezbollah #ceasefire #middleeast #middleeastconflict #israelhezbollahwar
Israeli strikes kill dozens in Lebanon as Israel accuses Hezbollah of firing a barrage of some 250 rockets - EUROPE SAYS
Tel Aviv — Israel said a barrage of hundreds of rockets was fired at the north of theEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
#Știri #Israel #SUA #Terorism
CNN: Premierul Israelului a aprobat “în principiu” un acord de încetare a focului cu Hezbollahul libanez. Ambasadorul israelian la Washington spune că acesta ar putea fi încheiat în următoarele câteva zile. - Biziday
O persoană familiarizată cu negocierile dintre cele două părți a declarat că acordul inițial a fost dat de prim-ministrul Benjamin Netanyahu duminică, laAuras Rosu (Biziday)
Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, which backs the Hamas and Hezbollah militants fighting Israel in Gaza and Lebanon, said that death sentences should be issued for Israeli leaders, not arrest warrants.
#Iran #Supreme #AyatollahAliKhamenei #Hamas #Hezbollah #Israel #Gaza #Lebanon #Israeli
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The INFORMER | The INFORMER Staff | Substack
Source for in-depth news, investigations, whistleblower leaks, and insightful analysis you won't find anywhere else, produced by independent journalists exploring the fringes of society, technology, and
The INFORMER | The INFORMER Staff | Substack
Source for in-depth news, investigations, whistleblower leaks, and insightful analysis you won't find anywhere else, produced by independent journalists exploring the fringes of society, technology, and
#Știri #Liban #Terorism
Hezbollah susţine că a distrus şase tancuri israeliene în sudul Libanului
Mişcarea pro-iraniană Hezbollah, în război deschis de peste două luni împotriva Israelului, a anunţat că a distrus duminică şase tancuri MerkavaRedacția (G4media)
Zeker 11 mensen zijn gewond geraakt na een grootschalige raketaanval van Hezbollah op Israël. Dat melden Israëlische hulpdiensten.
#Hezbollah #raketaanval #Israël
The INFORMER | The INFORMER Staff | Substack
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The INFORMER | The INFORMER Staff | Substack
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De situatie in het Midden-Oosten staat nog altijd op scherp. Hezbollah blijft Israël vanuit Libanon bestoken. Iran zou zich beraden op een nieuwe aanval op de Joodse staat. Het Israëlische leger slaat ondertussen hard toe in de regio.
#Midden_Oosten #Hezbollah #Israël #Libanon #Joodse #Israëlische
LIVE | Leger Libanon meldt drie doden door Israëlische aanval, militairen en blauwhelmen gewond
Liveblog: Het Midden-Oosten staat onder hoogspanning en wereldwijd nemen de protesten tegen Israël toe.Dagblad van het Noorden
De situatie in het Midden-Oosten staat nog altijd op scherp. Hezbollah blijft Israël vanuit Libanon bestoken. Iran zou zich beraden op een nieuwe aanval op de Joodse staat. Het Israëlische leger slaat ondertussen hard toe in de regio.
#Midden_Oosten #Hezbollah #Israël #Libanon #Joodse #Israëlische
LIVE | Leger Libanon meldt drie doden door Israëlische aanval, militairen en blauwhelmen gewond
Liveblog: Het Midden-Oosten staat onder hoogspanning en wereldwijd nemen de protesten tegen Israël toe.Leeuwarder Courant
Lebanon’s Shiite Muslims pay high price in war between Israel and Hezbollah
The Lebanese civilians most devastated by the Israel-Hezbollah war are Shiite Muslims, and many of them believe they are being unfairly punished because they share a religious identity with Hezbollah militants and often live in the same areas.The Seattle Times
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Source for in-depth news, investigations, whistleblower leaks, and insightful analysis you won't find anywhere else, produced by independent journalists exploring the fringes of society, technology, and
The INFORMER | The INFORMER Staff | Substack
Source for in-depth news, investigations, whistleblower leaks, and insightful analysis you won't find anywhere else, produced by independent journalists exploring the fringes of society, technology, and
The INFORMER | The INFORMER Staff | Substack
Source for in-depth news, investigations, whistleblower leaks, and insightful analysis you won't find anywhere else, produced by independent journalists exploring the fringes of society, technology, and
The INFORMER | The INFORMER Staff | Substack
Source for in-depth news, investigations, whistleblower leaks, and insightful analysis you won't find anywhere else, produced by independent journalists exploring the fringes of society, technology, and
The INFORMER | The INFORMER Staff | Substack
Source for in-depth news, investigations, whistleblower leaks, and insightful analysis you won't find anywhere else, produced by independent journalists exploring the fringes of society, technology, and
The INFORMER | The INFORMER Staff | Substack
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"This short #documentary explores the #LebaneseResistance against the aggressions of #Israel. In the aftermath of the events of October 7th 2023 does the same modus operandi await the Lebanese people? Will we see a recurrence of the events of 2006 when a heavy toll was inflicted upon the IDF in the 34 day war?"
#Hezbollah #Hizbullah #Hizballah #ResistanceAxis #WarOnLebanon @lebanon @israel @film
Lebanon: The War of Resistance (Full Documentary)
This short documentary explores the Lebanese resistance against the aggressions of Israel. In the aftermath of the events of October 7th 2023 does the same m...YouTube
Hezbollah rockets land near Tel Aviv after Israeli strike on Beirut
Intensified bombardment over the last two weeks in Beirut's Hezbollah-controlled southern suburbs has coincided with signs of progress in U.S.-led cease-fire talks.The Japan Times
Hezbollah’s Islamic Resistance reaffirmed its resilience against relentless Zionist aggression on Sunday, demonstrating firm control over the battlefield. The group’s fighters executed strategic equations, particularly the “Beirut-Tel Aviv” equation emphasized by Secr
#News #AlAqsaFlood #hezbollah #lebanon #palestine #resistance #WestAsia
Zionist Occupation Terrorism on Lebanese Soil Gets a Reckoning
“Israel is not prepared for prolonged wars,” said Zionist occupation army spokesperson General Daniel Hagari recently. “This is not just about exhausting reserve soldiers, it’s far more complex.”
The admission represents rising anxiety within occupation army ranks over the strength of Hezbollah’s resistance. This is in stark contrast to “Israel’s” propaganda that its troops were on course to ‘victory’.
Resistance fighters are likely to ensure that “Israel’s” munitions will wear thin. The occupation’s Golani Brigade has already taken significant blows in South Lebanon, casting a shadow over long-term terrorism objectives. This is important because Israeli occupation Reserve Major General Israel Ziv appears to capitulate to a ‘negotiated solution’ because he fears Israeli offensive capabilities may dwindle further. In short, Hezbollah’s tactical gains have ensured that occupation terrorism on Lebanese soil will not endure.
So can “Israel” really afford to maintain its terrorism toehold in Lebanon? The writings appear on the wall.
First, rapid Resistance gains have forced Zionist troops to recalibrate their so-called ‘military tactics’. This makes it clear that further adventurism could push “Israel” toward a protracted war, meaning a potential crunch of its reserve soldiers pool. The panic is growing as many call on ultra-Orthodox Jews to engage in “Israel’s” terrorism campaign. This is a segment that is sensitive to war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu, who has promised to protect the ultra-Orthodox from occupation service. Now as Resistance drones and combat operations raise strategic costs for “Israel”, considerable domestic blowback awaits Netanyahu and those that he hopes to protect.
Sophisticated attacks from Resistance forces are likely to put more pressure on the occupation military as well. This is reflected in the steadily rising toll of IOF casualties and Hezbollah’s relentless counteroffensives against troop sites and occupation personnel. The Resistance’s significant reach across military bases in occupied Haifa underscores its potential to target more settlements and strategic coordinates if “Israel” presses for escalation. If IOF casualties mount further, Netanyahu could find himself on the ropes. After all, IOF deaths remain an extremely sensitive issue within occupation ranks. So Netanyahu risks inviting more protests by taking on an empowered Lebanese Resistance. As things stand, Hezbollah remains confident in its ability to regroup fighters and retains its missile-launching capabilities. In contrast, “Israel” fears a war of attrition because cutting through Hezbollah’s defenses remains a pipedream.
Thus, a prolonged war would expose “Israel’s” ‘victory’ narrative in Lebanon.
For proof points, look no further than southern Lebanon: despite weeks of the Zionist invasion, Resistance forces prevented enemy control over a single region. Now, any attempt at Zionist “airstrikes, armored vehicles, and artillery” use could prompt the Resistance to expand attacks onto occupation turf.
Let it be known that ceasefire and occupation terrorism cannot succeed in tandem. War criminal Netanyahu made the brazen admission to continue Israeli aggression on Lebanese soil, despite a fragile truce gaining momentum. From the Resistance’s perspective, persistent violations of state sovereignty are asking for legitimate consequences. The blood of Lebanese civilians and the continued loss of critical civilian infrastructure – these are not all in vain. “Israel” stands no chance in turning Lebanon into a theater of aggression, given the view that the Resistance will not “surrender to anything” that compromises its territorial integrity.
It is “Israel” – not Lebanon – that prepared the ground for invasion, made a mockery out of de-escalation efforts, and made every effort to push the region toward a wider war. Now as Netanyahu vows to step up terrorism, irrespective of a ceasefire, the international community stands witness: every aggressive action will trigger a reaction. The sovereignty of Lebanon is as valuable as that of any other state. Therefore, there is zero space for compromise. “We [Hezbollah] will not beg for any agreement,” said Resistance MP Ihab Hamadeh in his remarks this week, adding that “the steadfastness on the ground in Gaza and Lebanon presents a wonderful image in the face of the occupation.”
Zionist propagandists face an uphill task as well. They cannot spin facts around the reality of the war and the opposition at hand. There is growing admission that Resistance fighters have successfully withstood Israeli adventurism and that “Israel’s” “military operation” has failed to achieve its principal objective of disarmament. Who is the genocidal regime to step foot on sovereign land, expand a campaign of belligerence from Gaza to Lebanon, and emerge unscathed?
Netanyahu and his crowd of war-mongering extremists would be ill-advised to test the Resistance’s patience any further. After all, substantial attack capabilities and ground forces serve as an enduring deterrent to any occupation terrorism. If Washington is serious about any genuine de-escalation, it should factor demands on protecting Lebanese sovereignty and a credible ceasefire. Simply pandering to Zionist demands, including continued warfare, won’t break genuine ground.
Thus understood, “Israel’s” growing apprehension over Hezbollah’s strength and future capabilities is a sign of what is to come.
The choice is clear – relinquish occupation terrorism or brace for legitimate retaliation.
source: Al Mayadeen
#alAqsaFlood #guerrilla #hezbollah #lebanon #palestine #resistance #westAsia
Israeli occupation terrorism on Lebanese soil gets a reckoning
"Israel" stands no chance in turning Lebanon into a theater of aggression, given the view that the Resistance will not “surrender to anything” that compromises its territorial integrity.Hannan Hussain (Israeli occupation terrorism on Lebanese soil gets a reckoning)
Israel strikes Beirut after Hezbollah fires 250 rockets into Israel - EUROPE SAYS
ReutersHezbollah rockets land near Tel Aviv after big Israeli strike on BeirutJERUSALEM/BEIRUT (Reuters) -Lebanon's Hezbollah movement fired heavyEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
#hezbollah #324cat #israel #liban
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