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Beiträge, die mit CUBA getaggt sind

With a focus on human rights, U.S. policy toward Latin America under Jimmy Carter briefly tempered a long tradition of interventionism in a key sphere of American influence. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2024/12/30/world/politics/jimmy-carter-latin-america/?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=mastodon #worldnews #politics #jimmycarter #us #latinamerica #centralamerica #caribbean #cuba #panama #haiti #panamacanal

It would have been even more interesting to include #Cuba to chart, with a fraction of per/capita cost of Italy and even better health report than the US for 3 decades now.

Also, the #EU chosen countries displayed are among the worse performers, while the recent years' #UK demolition of #NHS can be seen by a sharp right turn.

The difference between socialized health system and state insurance is far more significant.


#milei, el #libertario que odia los estados, despide a una canciller por no ponerse del lado de "estados" unidos en su guerra casi unilateral contra #cuba y a favor de #israel. En su afán reaccionario de odiar al comunismo y de como es un "sistema fallido" sigue apoyando la muleta del embargo que legitima la "dictadura" de la que tanto se queja.

#weather #GulfOfMexico #Caribbean #Atlantic #NHC NOAA

#TropicalDisturbance1 has a 30% chance of becoming a hurricane in the next 48 hrs, and a 70% for the next 7 days.

#TropicalDisturbance2 is low chance system hovering over #PuertoRico #Haiti #Dominica #Cuba and N Caribbean.

#TropicalDisturbance3 has a 40% chance of becoming a hurricane. It is currently couple hundred miles W of #Azores

Brummet contrasts the US government’s response to the hurricane relief efforts in places like Cuba, in particular, which although is often in the direct path of hurricanes, it historically has had very few hurricane related deaths.

The day before Hurricane Ian hit Cuba in 2022, 50,000 people were evacuated and taken to 55 shelters. By October 1, less than five days after Hurricane Ian’s landfall, 82% of the residents of Havana had their power restored. In contrast, over 100 people died in Florida as a result of the same hurricane, with many blaming delayed evacuation efforts.

Cuba has “drastically lower rates of deaths from hurricanes than we do here in Florida,” says Brummet. “And then when the storm has passed, it’s a priority for the government that everyone’s home is given attention, is repaired.”

In the US, “this is not even imaginable,” Brummet claims. “People are often permanently displaced because their homes are destroyed and they aren’t given the resources to repair them. With all the wealth that we have in the United States, we could prioritize making sure that our communities are safe from storms, that people are evacuated, and that where a storm does hit, that people’s needs are met and they can have their homes rebuilt and their lives can continue.”
#compare #hurricanes #USA #capitalism #Cuba #socialism #government #humanism

And we pumped just dozens of [false propaganda] stories about Cuban atrocities, Cuban rapists. In one case we had the Cuban rapists caught and tried by the maidens who had been their victims and then we ran photographs that made almost every newspaper in the country of the Cubans being executed by the women who supposedly had been their victims.

Interviewer: These were fake photos?

Oh absolutely, we didn't know of one single atrocity committed by the Cubans. It was pure raw false propaganda to to create a an illusion of communist you know eating babies for breakfast, totally false propaganda

--- John Stockwell, talking about the propaganda campaign that he managed for Angola,

#AtrocityPropaganda #propaganda #JohnStockwell
#history #CIA #Cuba #psyop #anticommunism #mindmanipulation


Fidel Castro

August13, 1926 ~ November25, 2016

Fidel Castro in Guadalajara [w/ subtitles] (1991)
On this day in 1926, #Cuban #Revolutionary #Fidel #Castro was born. He would lead a guerilla campaign with other revolutionaries such as Che Guevara to overthrow the US-backed dictator Fulgencio Batista. Before Cuba's revolution, US financial interests owned 90% of Cuba’s mines, 80% of public utilities, 50% of railways, 40% of sugar production & 25% of bank deposits.

In the first 30 months after Fidel Castro and Cuba’s communists came to power, more classrooms were built in those 30 months than had been built in the previous 30 years. Within the first six months of Castro's government, 600 miles of road had been built across the island, while $300 million was spent on water and sanitation schemes. Over 800 houses were constructed every month in the early years of the administration in a measure to cut homelessness, while nurseries and day-care centers were opened for children and other centers opened for the disabled and elderly.

With the arrival of the revolutionary government, Cuban healthcare was nationalised and expanded with heavy investment, bringing free healthcare access to millions. Universal vaccination for childhood diseases was introduced, leading to infant mortality rates plummeting. Cuba's 'army of doctors' is now sent to crisis-hit countries around the world. Since 1963, more than 600,000 Cuban health workers have provided medical services in more than 160 countries.

Fidel Castro's Cuba was also instrumental in many anti-colonial and liberation struggles across the developing world, Cuba provided material support to the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa. Cuban material support was also given to Angola and Palestine.

Despite being under the illegal embargo imposed by the US, Cuba now has a higher life expectancy than the US, has more doctors per capita than the US, and is among the top 35 countries for lowest child mortality rates. Under Fidel Castro's rule, UNICEF declared severe child malnutrition to be eradicated.

#fidelcastro #guadalajara #speech #1991 #subtitles #capitalism #ecology
#history #Cuba #communism